After graduation, the ultimate aim of every student is to get a job. If you think having a degree will easily get you a job then you might be wrong. These days getting a job is not as easy as it seems. The options for jobs are not definitely going to fall in your hand instead you have to work hard for earning them. So why not start now! Here are few things that you should do before the end of the semester that could help you in finding a job.

1. Spend time in networking

The biggest factor behind landing at a job in desired field is-networking’. Try to build more and more relationships with people. Form a broad network of people.  It can include your relatives and their connections in the same career field you desire, even the alumni of your colleges, your professor or even your neighbor.  Such networks act as sources of information. The world is a small place you never know who is impressed and helps you!

2. Prepare your resume

Honestly, preparing a professional and polished resume is not an easy deal.  Invest your time in preparing an impressive resume because after graduation you might not get time for it. If you already have one then update it with new skills you acquired. Include any internship you did or competition and activities you participated and position you got.

3. Go for internships


‘Internships’ is a way to get the experience of working in an industry related to your field or subjects while continuing your studies. An internship helps you in converting your academic knowledge to industry skills. A list of internships and experience on resume certainly influence employers. They even give you an in-depth knowledge of your potential careers and help to expand your horizon. Go for some internships before the semester ends and set yourself apart from rest of the crowd.

4. Coordinate college activities

You should try to participate maximum in college activities. You can also volunteer or coordinate fest and functions organized at the college level. The reason behind it is that such activities teach teamwork, and help in building personal relationships, inculcate leadership and organizational skills. The experience you gain here is the answer to questions asked in personal interviews. Moreover, the college also provides you a certificate for the accomplishment of the task.

5. Make a profile on Linked In

‘LinkedIn’ is an increasingly popular way to find employment in the desired field. It is a tool that can help you in connecting with Industrial peoples, lecturers, and professional colleagues etc.These days most of the recruiters use LinkedIn for the process of overall recruitment. Before the end of the semester, build a nice profile similar to your resume and write all the necessary details of your experience. You can highlight your unique propositions.

Getting a job after graduation is a challenge in itself. You should always approach such challenges with a fresh perspective. Employers always set high bars and you have to reach those bars for getting your dream job. The only way to reach those bars is by increasing the number of qualities and skills in yourself.

Anushikha Chaudhary (Top Contributor at DU Updates)


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