DU Updates is youth-oriented educational news, entertainment & fashion website. We intend to fetch all the News and Information of events, fests, competitions, different opportunities around DU and other college campuses. We keep students well informed, inspired entertain you with different trending topics in Education and Youth Politics.
DU Updates’ mission is to make it as easy as feasible for readers to find out what’s going on around. To furnish the latest information to the readers all the possible efforts are given to entertain and to update the readers.
DU Updates delivers news and educational information about specific colleges, Courses, and applications, This content includes news, characteristic articles, discussions, how-to guides, issue studies, blogs, videos, webinars and input supplied by readers.
Our business prototype believes in dividends from despisers and sponsors. These companies promote products and services through pendants, banners, product listings, and other marketing skills. We also sponsor specific categories or elements of the sites.
Our editorial purpose is to inform readers of relevant news and information. We are unbiased, fair and honest in our news coverage. We motivate those who publicize on our sites to provide us with information to be used in news, but any inclusion of content on this site is deduced by its footnote value, exclusively as specified by the editorial staff.
- We welcome and signify any and all reader feedback and complaint.
- Once a news item is published, we undertake to contact individuals featured or referred to in the story immediately after it appears on the site. If those individuals point out a misconception of fact, we will immediately revise the inaccuracy. We do not, as a matter of agreement, change direct quotations or make other changes to accurate copy once published, unless, in our determination, the change the serves to boost the story.
- We will accurately interpret various types of content. Content that is provided by any source will be named to differentiate it from original and limited content produced and written by DU Updates editors and columnists.
- Corrections policy: We try to meet the highest precepts for accuracy and absoluteness. It is our policy to instantly correct any factual error as soon as we become familiar with it and can verify it.
- Opinions conveyed by bloggers are those of our valued supporters. We do not necessarily percentage or authorize those opinions.
- Substantial errors should be reported to our comment department, identifying the story and details of the error. We will instantly analyze any claim of inaccuracy. Information for reaching our Copyright Agent is available in the website Terms of Use.
- Our editorial authorization is to inform our audience of news, evidence, and resources relevant to our chosen enterprises. We strive to be an impartial source in that we circulate only information that we believe to be pertinent and important. Our main objective in reporting news is to be accurate, truthful, symmetrical and reasonable to all parties.
- DU Updates encourages readers and initiative executives to participate in columns, commentaries, and blogs. Guidelines for these divisions are that they focus on topics of attention to our readership they are truthful.
- We are not accountable for the accuracy of the content or other resources provided by exterior parties. Links are checked for accuracy at the time of edition, but we comprehend that the Internet is a shifting medium and these links may come to be invalid or change.
Editorial Liability
The content writer Of DU Updates preserves editorial self-sufficiency in accepting customary decisions. The editor also maintains editorial independence for any of the views, comments, and impressions of others published in DU Update. Diplomacy is awarded in the editor to reduce an article for the area and other reasons and, if applicable, this is normally done in the intersection with the writer.
The decision to publish the article is not only based on a particular point of view. It will not publish only if the article is inappropriate to the victim audience, dishonest, intentionally and maliciously misleading, having an improper hidden plan.
Content Submissions
The DU Updates regularly receives content requests from the Content writer. Different Topics are given to the writers and they get sufficient time to submit. They get paid for there work and after verifying the article get published on the site. DU Updates has well-versed content writers who write news and columns for different areas to serve a different set of readers.
DU Updates add news on a daily basis content writers work on a there given project and uploads News full of pieces of information. Latest Educational and youth-oriented news are published n a daily basis. We publish 100% original content free form plagiarism on our website.
Contact Founder: admin@duupdates.in