10 things you are definitely going to miss after your college life

There are few stages in life which we pass, and each stage gifts us some memories and lessons to lead our future life. College...

Best canteens in DU you must go

College life is incomplete without food. Hundreds of memories get created over those table chairs in a canteen when there is one plate of...

Now du students will not get any extra year to complete their degree

Delhi University has decided to scrap this  “special chance” provision for students who could not complete their degrees within stipulated time 6 and 4...

If you are a commerce student in DU

Delhi University, is a name in the country, in which every after-school kid wants to get admission in. For some it's a dream, for...

10 things that only a Shyama Prasad Mukherji College student gets to Experience

'Where is Shyama Prasad Mukherji College? Is it in Delhi University??' these questions are heard by almost every other SPM student. A rarely known...