A lot of students must have decided to take admission in Delhi University. Every year students from different part of country join Delhi University. For outstation students, being in Delhi will be fun with few hurdles. Some of them are listed below:
1. Hostel facility
You are very lucky if you managed to get accommodation in DU college hostels as only 16 DU colleges offer hostel facility. Those are too not very great in condition. Finding a nice place to accommodate is the biggest hurdle for outstation students.
2. PG near college
Students who do not get a hostel seat juggles to find a PG. Make sure your PG is near your college so that you can reach for your early class on time and save extra traveling cost. Look for one which satisfies your requirements like a furnished environment, food and security. Here most of students rent out a flat together and experience sharing in living. Areas near north and south campus provide facility of PG in rate as low as 5k to 15k depending upon services you need in them. Fix all these things before coming to Delhi with packed bags.
3. Diverse environment
The major challenge for outstation students is to get settle in an unfamiliar environment. Delhi and Delhi University allow you to meet different people every day. A change in views and habits sometimes seems hard to accept.
4. Homesickness
Students often feel homesickness. You are definitely going to miss you family and then a nostalgic feeling will surround you but you can always talk to them over phones.