The Delhi University Dean, Vinay Gupta released a notification on the official website stating postponement of DU OBE for final year students including SOL and NCWEB, academic session 2019-20.
The decision has been taken because of the rising coronavirus cases in the country. The authorities announced the postponement of 10 days, till any further notice discloses.
All undergraduate and postgraduate courses’ last year students’ OBE is postponed. The students might be facing a lot of problems to appear for the examinations as per the schedule. So keeping this in mind, online OBE is put on halt for 10 days.
The details related to OBE postponement are as follows-
- The new date sheets for all UG and PG programs including SOL and NCWEB of final semester/term/year examinations in OBE mode shall be notified by examination branch on 03.07.2020 and examination will commence from 10.07.2020;
- The basic guidelines as issued by examination branch on 14.05.2020 related with OBE mode of examinations shall be applicable for further rescheduled examinations as per the new date sheet stated by the examination branch.
- all other activities notified by examination branch-related with OBE mode examinations adopted as a one-time measure for the academic session 2019-20 through various notice/notification shall remain unaltered and no further notification shall be issued either as corrigendum or amendment.
- Letters related to OBE mode of examinations to be conducted remotely as issued to all the Dean of Faculties, Head of the Departments, and Principals of colleges shall remain unchanged. No separate guidelines/notifications shall be issued by the examination branch-related to the OBE mode of examinations. All provisions/proceduresas notified through notifications dated 30.05.2020 and 01.06.2020 for UG and PG programs, respectively, shall be applicable for examinations rescheduled through the new date sheet;
- The mock test to facilitate students appearing for examinations for awareness about the procedures of OBE mode, to be conducted remotely, shall start from 04.07.2020. A separate notification shall be issued by the examination branch regarding all the details of the Mock test before the commencement of the test
- All activities related with intermediate semester/term/year students as notified on 04.06.2020 shall remain unchanged;
- The facilities of ICT infrastructure available at Common Service Centre (CSC) as engaged by the University shall continue as per the new date sheet notified by the examination branch. In this regard, the notification issued by the examination branch about the details of CSC shall also be unchanged. No new notification shall be issued in this regard;
- All notifications related with the nodal persons to deal with the grievances related with examinations to be conducted remotely shall continue to be functional as notified on 19.06.2020 and 22.06.2020;
- All the facilities extended through various notifications to students in the PWD category in general and Visually Impaired students, in particular, shall continue to be applicable for the rescheduled examinations in OBE mode as a one-time measure adopted by DU for session 2019- 2020.
Playing with students life….if the minister feels exam is mandatory…..we demand for extra 1 month regular classes for preparation….knowlede is necessary…nt exams