Measures to be adopted for the conduct of Open Book Examinations (OBE) remotely for Final Semester/Term/Year students for all UG programs of all streams including NCWEB and SOL in view of the COVID-19 pandemic as a one-time measure for the academic session 2019-20.
This is with the reference to the notifications related with the submission of marks of Internal Assessment, Practical examinations, etc. issued on 13.05.2020 and Open Book Examination (OBE) to be adopted as an alternative mode of examinations by the University of Delhi in view of the COVID-19 pandemic for final semester/term/year students for the academic session 2019-20 issued on 14.05.2020.

DU VC SAID, “In view of the prevailing situation of Covid-19 pandemic, it is felt that the examinations cannot be conducted in the conventional mode as per the existing government norms of maintaining social distancing and safety and health of the students. The matter was intensively deliberated in the various bodies i.e. Task Force constituted by the University in view of COVID 19 and the Working Group on Examinations, based on which it was decided that as a one-time measure, Open Book Examinations (OBE) shall be adopted as an alternative mode of examination for the final semester/term/year students for the academic session 2019-2020 for grading/result.”

Since the concept of such OBE has been adopted in the special situation arisen due to
COVID-19 pandemic by the university, the following information is to be noted by the
colleges for working out the same successfully:

1. Limited access to the internet is required

The OBE does not entirely require the online platform and require only limited access
to internet and hardware for downloading the question papers prior to the
commencement of examination and for uploading the answer sheets after
completion of the examination.

2. The tentative schedule is out

The examinations of final semester/term/year shall begin from 01.07.2020 as
notified vide notification dated 14.05.2020 available on the University website. The
the tentative schedule of examinations to be conducted in OBE mode for the final year
students of regular mode as registered with colleges and departments as well as for
those registered with NCWEB and School of Open Learning have already been
released on 29.05.2020 and based on inputs/suggestions from stakeholders, the final
date sheet as required shall be released.

3. For Ex-students and the students applying for improvement of their performance:

i) The Ex-students shall follow the schedule/date sheet of examinations as per
their year of examination
ii) The final year students who have backlog i.e. ER (Essential Repeat) in their
previous semesters shall re-appear for the same as per the schedule of
examinations along with the VI Semester Examinations
iii) The students who have passed out their final year (VI Semester) Examinations
in the year 2019 can only appear for an improvement in their VI Semester
examinations as per the datasheet/schedule.
iv) The students who are in the final year (VI Semester) can appear for improvement
in papers of IV Semester only

4. Students can improve their grades in 2021

Students who have appeared for the OBE and wish to improve their grades shall also
be given chance to improve their grades as per the cycle of the semester in a year i.e
papers listed for the odd semester can be attempted in January 2021 and for even
semester in May/June 2021.

5. College responsibility

The college must ensure that the schedule for the examinations are properly notified
on the official website of the college and the same is also sent through an official e-
mail to individual students at their registered e-mail addresses in time so that the
students remain aware of their examination dates.

6. Submission of examination form

The college should also ensure that all the concerned students have submitted their
examination forms for the respective courses properly on the University portal as
per the link provided on the website.

7. Admit card

The Admission Tickets shall be sent to the students by the college through e-mode to
maintain a proper record and so that it can be produced easily by the students at any
the time required by the University or other agencies.

8. College should WhatsApp important information

The college should remain in contact with their students. Besides using the official e-
mail and SMS services, messaging apps like WhatsApp may also be adopted for
sending important information to the students.

9. Students who don’t have internet and hardware must inform college

Colleges may decide to allow their students in a limited number of those who need to be taken care of in case of non-availability of the internet and hardware required for examinations. For the purpose, the college may invite online requests from students in case they need to use ICT infrastructure during examinations. If number increases,
they can be advised to avail the facilities available at Common Service Centre (CSC)
as mentioned later in the nearest location of their residence. However, the norm of social
distancing, safety, and health issues have to be taken care of at priority and no compromise should be allowed while extending facilities.

10. The question paper shall be accessed by the individual student

The question papers shall be accessed by the individual students from the designated
portal as per schedule/date sheet notified by the examination branch and
conveniently downloaded.

11. 45 minutes will be given to download the question paper

The Examination Branch shall e-mail the question papers to the college on each day
of examination for each session 45 minutes prior to the commencement of the

12. Answers must be on the A4 size paper

The students shall answer the questions on plain paper of A4 size. They should put
the page number on each paper.

13. Student have to inform the college in case he/she is not able to download the paper

In case if any of the students face any difficulty in downloading the question papers
from the portal, the same may be sent by the college directly to the e-mail address,
phone or WhatsApp of the student as per their requirement and for this the college
should develop and maintain a well-defined procedure of delivery of question paper
and to be responded well in time.

14. Student have to inform the college in case he/she is not able to upload the answers

Similarly in case, for any reason, if the students are not able to upload their answer
sheets on the portal, the same can be sent in PDF format at the designated e-mail
address of the college. For this purpose, the college should notify the e-mail address for sending the PDF of answer sheets by the students. However, it may be noted that this option may be exercised only in case of an emergency.

15. The total duration of Exam is 3 hours

The total duration of the OBE shall be of 3 hours of which 2 hours shall be given to
the students for answering the questions and an additional hour shall be utilized for
downloading the question papers and uploading the scanned images of answer
sheets after completion of the examinations.
The students belonging to the Divyaang (PWD) Category shall be given additional time and other facilities as the rules applicable to the University of Delhi.

16. The Answers should be in the PDF form

The College should send the PDF of the answer-sheets as sent by the students to the e-mail of the examination branch on the same day of the examination to ensure the conclusion of the examination in time. The e-mail for this purpose shall be sent to the principal of the college separately.

17. Students have to fill up undertaking form

To check the use of any unfair means being used during the examinations, each student shall be required to fill up an undertaking through a button provided on the portal during examinations along with scanned images of answer scripts. The performa for the undertaking shall be made available to the students on the portal
from where question papers are downloaded by students.

18. College should make provision for a well-equipped control room

The college should make provision for a well-equipped control room with two to three staff well aware of the operation of ICT and another e-based mode of communication as per requirement. The college should also ensure the proper functioning of the control room on the examination days. Two faculty members and other senior officials should also be deployed on the day of examinations for each session. Remuneration shall be paid as per the norms of First Assistant to the office staff and of Superintendent/Deputy Superintendent for the supervision work.

19. The college should give proper contact numbers.

The college should well notify the e-mail IDs, telephone numbers and alternative
mobile numbers to be used by the students in case of any requirement during the
examination days.

20. Students who are not able to appear OBE can appear in PME

The University cares for those students who are not able to appear for the OBE
remotely and thus will give such students one more chance to appear in the Physical
mode of examinations as and when the present situation improves. The conventional
mode of examinations in such case give OBE and have stuck up at
their places due to the Covid-19 pandemic. To facilitate such students the University
as a major measure, has finalized to engage Common Service Centres (CSC), under
the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, Government of India.
• The students shall be allowed to use the ICT infrastructure resources available
with the CSC academy for downloading and taking print out of the question
papers, scanning, and uploading the answer sheets on the portal.
• The students can avail of all these facilities free of cost available at CSCs. There are
more than two lakh functional CSCs located at almost all Gram panchayats at
village-level throughout India and all of them shall be available for our students.
• Students can access the details of the CSC academy available at their nearest
locations from the official website of the Ministry of Electronics and Information
Technology (MeitY)
• All relevant information regarding the CSCs shall be uploaded on the official
website of the University well before the commencement of the OBE.

22. Mock tests will be available for the students on the portal

Mock tests will be available within one week prior form the
commencement of examinations to facilitate the students who are appearing for the
examinations so that they can make aware themselves with the new mode of
examination i.e. OBE and assess the network and infrastructure required for
downloading the question papers and uploading the scanned answer-sheets.

23. The same can be uploaded on the website of the college

The college may provide the information as specified above including the steps
briefed for the OBE and CSC to the students, faculty members, and staff members
working in the office of the college to make them aware of the processes. Further, the
same can be uploaded on the website of the college and send to the concerned
through e-mail.

24. The college must inform the students, faculty members, and staff members.

The Faculty members and staff of the college should be appropriately briefed about all the steps and procedures to deal with any sort of emergency arising during the examination days to help with the students in this difficult time.

25. Datesheet should be checked by the college

The college should thoroughly check the tentative schedule of examinations
uploaded on the official website of the University and in case of any inconsistency the
same may be communicated to the examination branch through e-mail without any
DU VC said “The University of Delhi in this difficult time endeavors to conduct the examinations for the
final year students as per the calendar of UGC and declare the results in time as specified in the
guidelines of UGC so that our students can achieve their future goals,”





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