With the ongoing situation of COVID-19, many educational institutions are uncertain to reopen, thus many centrally run universities and engineering colleges have canceled year-end exams to secure the placement offers for graduating students amidst the pandemic.
When inquired about the same to the top central universities and Indian Institutes of Technology(IITs) such as Hyderabad Central University (HCU), IIT-Bombay, IIT-Kharagpur, and IIT-Kanpur stated that they will be evaluating their final-year students on the basis of their performance in mid-semester examinations and other forms of continuous assessment.
Universities such as Jawaharlal Nehru University, Aligarh Muslim University, Delhi University, IIT-Delhi, and Jamia Milia Islamia have made a decision to execute examinations either through online assessments or open-book test or hold exams on campus upon reopening.
Final-year students, at IIT-Delhi, have an option to graduate by appearing for online tests in June and completing assignments and vivas over the phone. The other option is to graduate regularly when the institute reopens, but it would take longer.
The teachers’ body or Senate at IIT-Kharagpur, on May 27 passed a proposition to scrap the written semester-end exam and furnish a committee to imply alternate ways of evaluation. Institute registrar B N Singh stated in a report that, the students, in all possibility, will be evaluated through vivas, assignments, and past performances.
A special grading scheme has been announced by IIT-Kanpur in which students will receive grades A, B, C, and S according to their performance in mid-semester exams, quizzes, projects, and assignments. No student will be failed or terminated.
The scrapping of semester-end exams was first initiated by IIT-Bombay. The final grading of the students will be done on the basis of the evaluation completed until mid-semester examination. Teachers can also decide to evaluate the students online for a maximum weightage of 30 percent of all the students agree to this.
The public relations in-charge, at AMU, M Shafey Kidwai stated that for the final-year students 70 percent of the evaluation will be on assignments completed throughout the year and the remaining 30 percent would be based on an exam two-hour-long. He said that they will take the average of their previous semester and sessionals of this year for the students who are not in the final semester, and promote them based on that.
JNU had initially left the decision of whether to conduct examinations online or offline individual centers and schools, but later it pushed for online exams for all students, regardless of whether they are intermediate or final-year students. Though, the mode of exams is left to teachers individually.
The mode of evaluation for Jamia is different for final-year and intermediate students. The university’s plan, as of now, is to conduct offline exams for final-year students in July and grade the intermediate students on the basis of online assignments (50 percent) and previous year’s marks (50 percent) for theory papers. Vivas and practicals etc, will be held online. Regardless, if the situation of COVID-19 doesn’t improve, Jamia will accept online assignments and online practical alternatives even for the final-year students.
Delhi University will conduct the online Open Book Examinations for final-year undergraduate and postgraduate students from July 1.