Delhi University Students Demanding Rollback of FYUP

Cuet 2023
Source: Hindustan Times

Under New Education Policy (NEP) 2020, many changes are introduced in educational institutions. Delhi University also implemented the UGC FYUP (Four Year Undergraduate Program as a part of NEP 2020. Consequently, DU students are protesting against it and demanding the rollback of FYUP.

In Delhi, several students of DU colleges are protesting and showing dislike towards FYUP. Though, the new structure has great advantages, students are concerned about the increased fees because of the addition of one year in UG courses. 

Similarly, academicians also disagree with the new policy, they argue that it will increase the cost of completing an undergraduate degree. As a result, it will create a burden on marginalised students and families. 

Under FYUP, candidates will pursue honours degrees not just a normal bachelor’s degree. Further, many skill-based programs have been added to the syllabus. As per the policy, it will provide more opportunities to students. Besides, a three-year bachelor’s degree is not halted completely.

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In case students want a three-year course instead of four years, they will earn a degree of the UG program. Moreover, the four-year degree system is followed in many other countries. And, students who will study for two years, will get a Diploma. Whereas, certificates will be provided if students pursue the course for one year. 

Many changes are introduced due to new structures for courses like credit scores.  Also, students will have a choice between pursuing a three-year honours course or a four-year honours course with or without research. However, due to its drawbacks, students are demanding for rollback of FYUP.

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