Stock Up Your Art Supplies As The Stationery & Art Fair At Pragati Maidan Is Back


Stationery and the art fair in Pragati Maidan is back with its 20th edition, which will be held from the 25th August to 2nd September this year. The dates of the stationery fair are coinciding with the dates of the annual book fair. The Fair is a must go for all the stationery hoarders, or if you are Big on DIYs, Teachers, Students, artists you can definitely find something for you!  The Fair features brands that you may not easily find in the Indian Markets to the household brands that you’ve been using ever since. Some of the Features brands Include Navneet, Camlin, Uniball along with Artbin (USA), Sakura (Japan), Sharpie (USA), Arto, Mungyo (South Korea), Campap (Malaysia) Tombow (Japan), Lihit Lab (Japan) and Many more. You can find anything and everything here from washi tapes to pens, DIY kits to clay, sketchpads to watercolours, journals to the quirky accessories you need to fill that journal up. For a stationery enthusiast, this is must to go fair.

~ Preksha Mishra


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