Jnu students union elections

On Friday, March 22, 2024, students at Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) had a big day. After four years, they finally got to choose their leaders in JNU student election. Everyone was excited to vote and have their say in how the university is run.

New Leaders Chosen

Dhananjay, from the Left party, became the President with 2598 votes. He won against Umesh Chandra Ajmeera from ABVP. Avijit Ghosh, also from the Left, won as Vice President with 2409 votes. Priyanshi Arya, supported by BAPSA, became General Secretary with 2887 votes. Mo Sajid, from the Left, won as Joint Secretary with 2574 votes.

Happy Winners Speak

After winning the JNU student election, Dhananjay said, “Thank you to everyone who voted for us. This win shows that students trust us to do a good job.” Avijit Ghosh added, “We will work hard to make sure students’ voices are heard.”

Looking Back

In 2019, SFI’s Aishe Ghosh won the election. They formed a group called the United-Left Alliance with other student groups. This time, the Left won again, showing that students still believe in their ideas.

Building a Stronger Future

The new leaders want to make JNU a better place for everyone. They will work on things like helping students who need support, making sure students can study without problems, and keeping everyone safe on campus.


Unity in Diversity

JNU has students from all over India with different backgrounds. But during the election, everyone came together and voted, showing that they can work together, no matter where they are from.

Challenges Ahead

Even though the Left won, there are still problems to solve. Things like not enough money for important things, too much work for students, and some students feeling left out. But the new leaders are ready to face these challenges together.

The election was a big success, showing that democracy is alive and well at JNU. It’s important for students to have a say in how their university is run, and this election proved that their voices matter.

Strengthening Student-Administration Relations

The new leaders want to talk more with the university leaders. They hope to work together to solve problems and make things better for everyone at JNU.

Empowering Marginalized Voices

One of the new leaders’ goals is to make sure that all students feel welcome and important at JNU, especially those who don’t have many opportunities. They want to listen to everyone’s ideas and make sure everyone’s needs are met.


The Left’s victory in the JNU election shows that students trust them to lead the university. With unity, determination, and a commitment to making JNU a better place for everyone, the new leaders are ready to take on the challenges ahead.

The Left’s victory in the JNU election shows that students trust them to lead the university. With unity, determination, and a commitment to making JNU a better place for everyone, the new leaders are ready to take on the challenges ahead. As they embark on this journey, they carry with them the hopes and aspirations of the entire JNU community, and their success will be measured by the positive impact they bring to the lives of students and the university as a whole.



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