The HRD (Human Resources Development) Minister has said that those students who do not want to be a part of the final year or semester exams now, will be given a chance to appear for the same later. In its revised guidelines, the UGC said that the exams for the students of the final year will be held in the month of September.
This clarification has come from the HRD after strong opposition was voiced by the students and academicians, for holding the terminal exams.
The HRD Minister said that these exams can be conducted by the Universities whenever they want to, based on the students’ convenience. The decision to postpone the exams was taken in consultation with the Ministry of Home Affairs and the Ministry of Health.
Nishank, in a series of tweets, said that their primary concern is the health and safety of the students along with providing them unbiased and equal opportunities. The global career and academic prospects of the students have to be ensured by them.
Pokhriyal also tweeted that assessment is an important milestone in any education model. Exam performance provides students with self-confidence and satisfaction.
This series of tweets from the HRD Minister’s Twitter handle came after the denial of several states to follow the guidelines of UGC on final year exams. In view of the increasing coronavirus cases, the Delhi government along with West Bengal, Odisha, Maharashtra, and Punjab have decided to scrap final year exams from the respective state universities.
It was hinted by the tweet of the HRD Minister that the cancellation of the exams is unlikely.
Good evening sir,
As we are now moving through a widespread rampant and the Ministries were showing keen interest to move on with the exams. Since the situation is worsening day by day, the decision made for conducting exams is not feasible.So kindly cancel the exam and promote the students based on their previous academic evaluation.Kindly accept my humble request.
It’s very difficult for the student to attend because of the pandemic conditions as we are reaching a hike in spread of virus and it is now through air borne also ,and we students are in our home town and we can’t attend to exams because of the transport problem so kindly cancel exams and make the students tension free and safe
Cancellation of exams is not a solution. No one knows how long this pandemic is going to survive .Even after cancellation of exams new semesters can’t be start , so why there is a haste of ending up final semesters. Let’s pray for the betterment of this scenario and follow the guidelines of ugc. They too are concerned for students safety and health. Go through their SOP, it completely ensures safety of students.
Cancellation of exams is not a solution. No one knows how long this pandemic is going to survive. Even after cancellation of exams, new semesters can’t be started, so why there is haste to end up the final semesters. Ugc is considering health and safety of students, they have given a SOP that clearly ensure students health and safety. Let’s just trust our education system and pray for well being of all of us.
When colleges have not completed half of syllabus and the online classes were of no use what examination you will conduct. It is better to conduct MCQ exam on line within 70% syllabus and/or no exam or mark them on previous semesters performance. Those of who come from rural areas can be exempted from exam in the request is genuine and all those who are from metro cities and towns can write online only exam.