A second advisory amid the coronavirus disaster has been released by the University of Delhi. Delhi University says that in the crisis different trends in different regions and even within the regions have been observed. This virus is so dangerous that we can’t imagine a populated area without regulation of social distancing even after the end of the lockdown.
The frustration of people has been registered to the University. People are at home for many days and hence want their normal lives back as there lives and livelihood are at risk. Delhi University says that we can’t go back to the way things were. According to them, there must be a new normal which is healthier, safer and better prepared. Some protection measures would be taken in force ones the lockdown ends, like compulsory to wear a mask, sticky follow social distancing, and many more other measures.
The University has decided to repeat the measure which was endorsed since the beginning to reduce the spread of the coronavirus. The strategies are to identify every case, isolate every case, test every case, care for every case, trace the contacts, and quarantine every contact whilst constantly surveying the effectiveness of the measures in place.
The University says that at the time of this pandemic it is necessary to stands in solidarity with COVID-19 patience and will stand with all. The University also added that it is crucial to educate, engage, and empower people by appreciating their participation.
Delhi University recommends that in the glimmer of the World Immunization week it is essential to continue the routine immunization of children in important service delivery as well as adult vaccine such as Influenza for the people who are at great risk. Moreover, the vaccine for Coronavirus is yet being researched. World Immunization week – April 24-30, 2020.
There are increasing concerns about the reanimation of Measles and Poliomyelitis, especially if Vaccination rates fall due to pause or suspension of scheduled Immunization activities as a result of COVID-19.
It is a matter of concern if the Immunization services are discontinued. The urgent catch-up Vaccination should be re-signed as soon as possible. However, the priority must be given to those who are at great risk.
There are more than 24,900 cases and more than 770 death in India till now due to coronavirus outbreak.
~Neha Dhingra