The DU budget 2024-25 was disclosed on Friday, highlighting important measures taken. The Delhi University Executive Council recently approved a Rs 1,717.45 crore budget. It was for the 2024–25 session. Additionally, they also announced a 75% concession for PwBD candidates.
DU budget 2024-25 Overview
During a recent meeting, the Executive Council of DU sanctioned an estimated budget of Rs 1,717.45 crore. It was for the fiscal year 2024–25. This allocation is intended to facilitate multiple developmental projects. These include the implementation of a campus-wide CCTV surveillance system. According to a report by PTI, the budget proposal received approval during the council’s session. The meeting took place on Friday.
Budget Allocation Breakdown
The approved budget allots a sum of Rs 154.88 crore for the procurement of books, journals, laboratory equipment, classroom furnishings, computers, campus enhancements, including CCTV surveillance, and other capital assets. Additionally, the budget allocates Rs 553.95 crore for employee salary disbursements, Rs 935.26 crore for covering expenses related to both academic and non-academic vacant positions, and Rs 627.31 crore for pension payments, pension-related benefits, non-salary expenditures, non-net fellowships, and financing from higher education agencies.
Initiatives for Student Benefits
Furthermore, the council approved several policy initiatives aimed at benefiting students. One of these measures is to offer a 75% reduction in total fees. It is only for Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBD) candidates seeking admission to PhD programs.
Additionally, DU will implement a special moderation policy. It will grant a 10-mark boost in one subject to students. This will assist them in completing their courses. DU will offer a unique opportunity to students who were unable to sit for examinations due to covid. It for students of the 2021–22 and 2022–23 academic sessions. They will allow them to take the remaining papers necessary to fulfill degree requirements.
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Faculty Support
Moreover, the Executive Council sanctioned guidelines enabling DU faculty members to take study leave while pursuing a PhD from a foreign university. It also extended the validity of two MPhil courses until the 2025–26 academic year. This had been discontinued in accordance with UGC regulations. Furthermore, the council endorsed the creation of additional vacancies. It is for the forthcoming Faculty of Technology.