On the day of Holi, 8 March, students of Delhi University’s Rajiv Gandhi Hostel for Girls (RGHG) were not permitted to go out. Also, any guest or friend visit was restricted on 7 and 8 March 2023. Therefore, North Campus, DU hostel students protested against the administration’s behavior.
The students demonstrated slogans that they were locked on Women’s day. It coincided with the Holi festival this year. Further, the instructions were given through the official notice.
Section officer of Rajiv Gandhi Hostel for Girls at Mukherjee Nagar, DU North Campus issued the notice on Tuesday. As per the notice, “All students of the hostel are informed that no guest, no late night and no leave will be allowed on 7 and 8 March 2023 on the Holi festival.”
It added, “No guests or visitors will be permitted on the 7 and 8 March. Also, on 8 March, residents can go out only after 6 PM.”
DU Hostel Students Protested
Students protested and alleged that the hostel authority imprisoned them on International Women’s Day. Moreover, they called it uncalled for and arbitrary and shouted slogans.
Dipanshi, the RGHG hostel resident, said that students are protesting against the locking of the hostel gates and undertaking. She added that we were planning to celebrate Women’s Day but authorities imprisoned us. Also, we were not even allowed to meet our friends in other hostels. However, there were no such restrictions on the boys’ hostel.