DU Exams 2022: Offline exams from Tomorrow | Know what colleges saying

Cetenary Chance Examination
Source: Times of India

As we know, the University of Delhi has resumed offline classes with full capacity. Accordingly, the university is holding physical mode DU exams 2022 from Wednesday 11 May. The offline exams are only for even semesters. Whereas, students of odd semesters have to give online exams. 

After the two years of gap due to Covid, the university is finally set to take offline semester exams. Whereas, colleges have conducted exams Essential Repeats (ERA) since yesterday.

Further, DS Rawat, University Dean of Examination said, “The exams have been conducted for students who did not pass in one or more subjects. However, semester examinations are mainly starting from tomorrow, 11 May.” He adds, “The examination for students who have ER has started today. And examinations are conducted after a huge gap of 2 years. Therefore, the conduction of examinations is done smoothly and carefully.”

It has been noticed that only a few students had come to take ER exams. As colleges were closed till the beginning of 2022 due to pandemics. The university was helpless and had to conduct an open book examination. 

DU Exams 2022: Only Two Students Appeared For ER In Miranda House

Miranda House told that only two students came for ER exams. On the other hand, Shri Ram College of Commerce witnessed five students who took the exam. On Monday, Bijayalaxmi Nanda, Principal of Miranda House said that nearly 45 students will take the exams on Tuesday. Moreover, the examination for second and third-year students will commence on Wednesday. 

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The situation had been the same in Ramjas College, only two students took the exam. Besides, this time, the varsity has decided to provide an extra 30 minutes for examinations.

DS Rawat said, “We are observing that students are stressed from sitting in offline exams after a long time. But, we have done whatever we can and provide all help to students. So, colleges will give additional 30 minutes with 3 hours of exam time. This will help in reducing stress and pressure during exams.”

Furthermore, universities have taken all precautions and measures for the smooth conduction of exams. Though, students who are having Covid have the flexibility of taking exams later. Rawat stated, “We have done all preparations for conducting the physical mode of exams. We have a lot of work to do such as arranging questions papers and answer sheets. And to make sure to deliver it on time to all affiliated colleges. Though, the priority is to maintain covid protocols within all colleges.”

Miranda House said that they placed sanitizer everywhere on campus. Also, they are taking steps for maintaining social distancing on exam days. They have asked students to bring their water bottles. Besides, the college will ensure the availability of doctors and nurses at the time of need. 

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Offline DU Exams 2022, Students Taking Stress

As this is the first time after 2 years of gap, that university is conducting offline exams for second and third years. Therefore, some students are stressed and suffer from anxiety. Harshvardhan, a second-year student from Hindu College said that we all students are nervous because this is the first that we are giving offline exams in college. Most of the classes were in online mode. Also, all our syllabus is not completed till now.”




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