DU B.Ed Entrance Exam 2020 Application Form, Exam dates, Eligibility, Syllabus and Exam Pattern

du B. Ed
Source: indianexpress.com

Delhi University conducts entrance exams for the B.Ed course. Bachelor of Education is a two-year course. According to last year’s statistics DU B.Ed Application Form, the expected date was the first week of May 2020. We will notify you of further dates.

DU B.Ed Exam Pattern

In the entrance, test the Paper -l contains questions from GK & Reasoning.
And the Paper-II contains the Subject knowledge up to class X.
And again the Paper-III contains questions from the Language Proficiency in Hindi & English.
The exams will be based on a multiple-choice question(MCQ). DU administration releases result in the form of a merit list for each category that is GEN/ SC/ ST/ OBC.

B. Ed Exam Dates 2020

First week of May 2020 Commencement of online application
Last week of May 2020 The Last date for submission of online application
First week of June 2020 DU B.Ed Admit Card
June 18, 2020, DU B.Ed Exam Date 2020
July 2020 Declaration of Result
Last week of July 2020 DU B.Ed Counselling Process 2020

B. Ed Exam Eligibility Criteria 2020

Delhi University provides relaxation of 5% marks for OBC category.
For category -1 the qualifying marks for candidates are at least 50% marks in aggregate either in Bachelor’s Degree or in the Master’s Degree in Science, Social Science, Humanities, Commerce all are eligible for admission to the program.
For category- 2 the Candidates are qualified with at least 55% marks in the Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering or Technology and specialization in Science plus with 55% marks in Mathematics or any other credentials comparable thereto are eligible for admission to the program.

DU LLB Entrance Exam 2020- Dates, Application, Admit Card, Pattern, Question Papers, Results, Cut off

Eligibility for Choosing Teaching Subject

The students have to choose any one subject within this subject category. The student must have studied in the qualifying degree for at least two hundred marks and update at least 50% marks in the subject. The students have to choose the subject very carefully because it will be considered final for the preparing merit list and allocation of institutions. The students can’t change the subject once they have submitted the form.
Subject Category and Teaching Subjects
Subject Category Teaching Subject
A) Science Biology
Integrated Science
B) Language English
C) Social Science Economics
Political Science
Social Science
D) Other Subjects Commerce
E) Other Languages Punjabi
F) Home Science Home Science

DU B.Ed. Application Form 2020

From the first week of May 2020, the DU B.Ed application form will be available on the official website of Delhi University that is www.du.ac.in. while filling up the online application form the candidates are requested to take care of the eligibility criteria.
Steps to fill online form
⦁ Go to the official website of Delhi University and open the admission portal to register yourself.
⦁ After that download B.Ed prospectus to read all the instructions.
⦁ After reading all the instructions apply online link ok and fill the details mentioned in the application form.
⦁ Application form will be e finally submitted once you make the payment. You can pay through online mode credit/debit card on the net banking or for the offline mode you can do payment through challan at any SBI branch.
⦁ Once the payment is done take a printout of the phone and don’t forget to bring the form on the day of admission at respective college. While submitting the form keep in mind that no changes in the phone are allowed after the payment has been done.

DU B.Ed. Exam Pattern and Syllabus 2020

Delhi University B.Ed entrance exam is done through online mode the university offers MCQ type questions and there are a total hundred questions, 4 marks each. Keep in mind that there is negative marking also one mark will be deducted for every wrong answer. The questions are based on reasoning, general knowledge, language proficiency, and fundamentals. The candidate has to complete the examination in two hours and the medium of the paper is bilingual that is both English and Hindi.
⦁ Online mode
⦁ MCQ questions
⦁ reasoning, general knowledge, language proficiency, and fundamentals.
⦁ Duration – 2 hours
⦁ 100 questions
⦁ 400 marks
⦁ -1 for the wrong answer and +4 for the correct answer
Reasoning and General knowledge: the test is all about the general knowledge and awareness of the social, political, and economic issues. Paper will examine the perspectives and analysis of and responses of teaching and learning situations. This section is all about the mathematical, logical, and verbal reasoning abilities of a student. Through this, they will judge the ability to analyze and interpret data and find a solution to the problem attic situation of a student.

Subject Knowledge up to class 10th: this section of question paper will contain some conceptual base questions of science, social science, and mathematics up to the secondary level.
Language proficiency: reading comprehension is contained in this part of the question paper in both English and Hindi.

DU B.Ed. Admit card 2020

After the successful completion of the online application process, the admission card will be issued. the candidates can easily download the DU B.Ed admit card. The entrance exam will not be allowed without the admit card. admit card will contain all the details like roll number, address of exam center, exam timing, reporting timing, etc. To download admit card follow the following steps:
⦁ Open the official website of DU admission cie.du.ac.in
⦁ Admit card link will appear, click on it, and after that enter the login ID and password.
⦁ Admit card will appear on the screen
⦁ Take a printout of admit card

DU B.Ed. Results 2020

A merit list of all candidates will be displayed on the website of the University. Merit list is totally based on the performance of the particular candidate in the entrance test and depending on the rank of that merit list the respective category of the candidate, subject availability, availability of seats, and preference of institutes will be allocated to different institutions. The merit list released by the University will also include SC/ ST/ OBC/ PWD/ CW candidates.
The minimum qualifying marks for the general category are 20 out of 100 while it’s 18 for the reserved category.

DU B.Ed Result Tie Breaker

Different merit list on the basis of rank of each subject is available. The rank usually depends on different courses like it’s usually high for science/ social science and the for home science the seats are more available and hence more chance to get filled with lower rank in merit.

If there is any case that two candidates are eligible for the same seat then the university will consider the age criteria that are the higher age candidate is given preference.

The various factor that depends upon allotment of the institution are:
⦁ Merit in the entrance test
⦁ Candidates category
⦁ Subject category
⦁ Availability of teaching subjects across institutions.
⦁ Institutional preference of candidate
All the institutions are equal with dedicated staff and advocate sports system as per the Faculty of Education.

Important Instructions Regarding DU B.Ed. Admission 2020

The candidate shit is available in the allotted Institute on allotted time along with the required documents.

⦁ Photo ID proof is required at the time of admission.
⦁ The application form print out
⦁ To passport size photograph with admit card of entrance test.
⦁ Certificate of high school/secondary school. Original certificate and two sets of photocopies.
⦁ If post graduation eligibility then the candidate must have a detailed statement of marks of part 1,2 and 3 at graduation.
⦁ Provisional certificate degree of the qualifying examination
⦁ Relevant certificates/documents from a completed authority, establishing the candidates claim for reservation, for candidates to reserved categories.
⦁ A character certificate from the previous Institute keeping in mind that the character certificate is only acceptable, for six months from the date of issue.
⦁ In the case of candidates in service, a No objection certificate from the employer and letter of sanction of study leave for a period of 2 years.

This course offers women candidates to choose four institutes why for men or other gender candidates can take only choose two institutes as per the eligibility criteria. The candidates have to submit admission related formalities within due timings. If they are not able to fill the formalities only due date then the seat will be given to the next candidate in the merit list.

DU B.Ed 2020 Reservation Criteria

The reserved seats will be given to the eligible candidates. If the total number of seats available for an OBC candidate is left vacant then it will be converted into general category seats in accordance with the admission schedule not defined by the University.
The total % of reservation for each category:
⦁ OBC – 27%
⦁ SC – 15%
⦁ ST – 7.5%
⦁ PWD – 5%
⦁ Foreign Nationals – 5%
⦁ No reserved seat for sports/ co-curricular activities

DU B.Ed 2020 Seat Intake

The different college of Delhi University offers B.Ed entrance exam and under this course, the Delhi University offers a total of 100 seats. Department of Education, Lady Irwin College, Maharishi Valmiki College of Education, Shyama Prasad Mukherji college of women are some colleges of Delhi University which offers this course to the candidates.
Subject Category Number Of Seats
CIE (Central Institute of Education) Lady Irwin College Maharishi Valmiki College of Education SPM College
Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics, Home Science) 35 – 35 18
Languages (English, Hindi, Sanskrit) 27 – 27 13
Social Sciences (History, Political Science, Geography, Economics) 35 – 35 18
Other Subjects (Commerce, Sociology, Psychology) 13 – 9 8
Other Languages (Punjabi, Urdu) – – 4 –
Home Science (offered only to Home Science students who have studied Science) – 100 –
Total Seats 110 100 110 57


  1. Delhi University B.Ed. Joint Entrance Exam 2020 (ARIHANT)
  2. Delhi University B.Ed. Entrance Exam Guide (R Gupta’s)


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