The Delhi High Court on Wednesday directed the CBSE to decide on a refund of the exam fees charged for class 10 and class 12 board examinations within eight weeks. The court said that the CBSE should decide in eight weeks whether it will refund the exam fees taken for the board exams of class 10th and 12th. Because, due to Coronavirus, the examinations of class 10th and 12th were canceled.
Justice Prateek Jalan ordered the CBSE to consider the plea of Deepa Joseph, parent of a Class X student studying in a CBSE affiliated school, who had paid Rs 2,100 as the exam fees. The court clarified that it has disposed of the petition. If Joseph is not satisfied, the CBSE decision can be challenged. The judge said that the argument from both sides must be correct.
Justice Jalan also said that he is also a beneficiary of the petition as his son is in Class XII, but despite this, the parties had no objection to hearing his petition. Advocate Robin Raju argued that since the board examinations were canceled, at least some part of the examination fee should be refunded to the students.
Advocate Rupesh Kumar submitted that CBSE is a self-financing institution. Its expenditure is mainly met by the examination fee deposited by the students appearing for the 10th and 12th board exams. There is no straightforward relation between the physical conduct of the board examinations and the fee charged by the students.
CBSE To Declare Results By July 31:
CBSE board has made it clear to declare the class 12th results by 31st July 2021. The Supreme Court was informed of this by the boards as per the affidavits filed by them. Also, the students interested in taking up the physical board exams by CBSE can do so between 15th August and 15th September. But, this will depend completely on the pandemic situation.