M Jagadesh Kumar, Chairman of the University Grants Commission (UGC) announced its latest move. According to the plan, students will be allowed to pursue two degrees at the same time. It will also include a full-time degree.
He reveals that as per the National Education Policy 2020, the plan objective is to offer flexibility and personalization in pursuing programs and courses. Moreover, to allow students multidisciplinary education in various spheres.
Accordingly, under this decision, students can pursue two UG or PG degrees or diplomas simultaneously. They can pursue both degrees in physical or online mode. Also, they can pursue them in an online and physical combination too.
Guidelines of Pursuing Two Degrees At Same Time May Release Tomorrow
It is expected that UGC will release its official guidelines for pursuing two programs together tomorrow. This new move will apply from this academic year 2022-23.
Furthermore, the UGC chairman said that this new move will offer flexibility. As students will be able to complete two programs or degrees in the same time frame. They will even have options to choose how they want to pursue both degrees. Therefore, personalization will be given to them in pursuing higher education.
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He added, “National Education Policy desires to provide various pathways of higher education. Also, it wants to facilitate the students with options for pursuing degrees.” In short, this will provide freedom and flexibility to students for building skills.
UGC Guidelines On Pursuing Two Degrees At the Same Time
Here are the guidelines that were discussed during the virtual meeting with the UGC Chairman.
- Students will be able to pursue two academic programs (Including full-time programs) in a physical mode in such a way that classes do not overlap. For instance, BA classes in the morning and BCom classes in the evening.
- They can choose two UG and PG degrees or diplomas simultaneously in both online or both physical or one online and second physical mode.
- Interested students can also opt for multidisciplinary programs such as BA History with BSc Mathematics.
- Students can pursue both academic programs from the same university or different.
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