The February 21 stone pelting and protest at Ramjas College and the violence followed by next day left the teacher’s shell shocked and terrorized. A number of teachers said that they had never imagined such a situation where they would see students’ attacking this has left them both shocked and terrorized.

Violence has erupted in Delhi University,Ramjas college on Wednesday where two groups ABVP and AISA clashed with each other during a protest over a literary event where JNU student Umar Khalid was invited to speak. One of the faculty member Mr.Prasanta Chakravarty who teaches English was brutally beaten up and left him bloodied during the protest.Mr Chakravarty had to be rushed to the hospital on Wednesday from where he is expected to file a police complaint regarding the violence on Monday.
Along with Chakravarty and many teachers on Friday said there was an atmosphere of terror on campus. According to Chakravarty “now I doubt anyone in DU will want to hold a seminar or conference the fear that even student’s can attack will remain”. Another teacher who was a student of Ramjas college said that it was petrified to see students going violent on teacher’s. “When we were involved in student politics, we often held protest but we never went about disrespecting teachers” said another teacher of Rajdhani College.
The current scenario is that students have put up solidarity messages for teachers .On Saturday, there is a staff council meeting at Ramjas College to determine if action needs to be taken into this matter.

Certain departments such as Delhi School Of Economics are also planning to wear black badges and hold slam poetry events on Monday in solidarity with Ramjas students. Though they are yet to get a permission from the head of the department .It is their way to support the students and send message to ABVP whereas a student of LSR has started a social media campaign asking students from across the country to put u  p profile picture in support of Ramjas college.

Reporter- Aashima (DU Updates)


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