Planetary Conjunction: On July 13, the two neighboring planets of Earth, Mars, and Venus will be seen close to each other. This phenomenon is named the conjunction of planets and the planets can be seen by their brightness. Venus will be brighter than Mars seen in attractive white, while Mars can be seen in the ruby red color that will be visible to the naked eye.
The western sky soon after sunset. Mars and Venus will be just 0.5 degrees apart or a finger’s width apart and hence can be easily seen from Earth. Moreover, with the planets, you will be able to glimpse a thin, dimly lit crescent, Moon.
As per the Indian Institute of Astrophysics, during this period the Moon will also be a part of this conjunction. Indian Institute of Astrophysics (IAA), Pune-based Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA), and, Bengaluru, have asked for photographic entries of the occasion, the best of which will be printed by the institutes.
The previous Venus-Mars conjunction happened on August 24, 2019, and the following planetary conjunction will be on February 22, 2024.
Last month, NASA declared openly two missions to Venus, named DAVINCI+ and VERITAS. NASA is directed to allot $500 million to each of these missions that will launch between 2028-2030.