In a significant development announced during the vibrant cultural extravaganza, Madari, the Vice-Chancellor of Delhi University, Prof. Yogesh Singh, unveiled plans to construct a New Student Center. This announcement came as part of the festivities organized jointly by Rashtriya Kala Manch and the Delhi University Students’ Union (DUSU).
Cultural Fest Inauguration
The three-day cultural programme Madari, organized under the joint aegis of Rashtriya Kala Manch and DUSU, commenced with the inauguration by DU Vice-Chancellor Prof. Yogesh Singh on Tuesday, February 13. The event brought together students and enthusiasts from various colleges to celebrate art, culture, and creativity.
ABVP Leaders’ Revelation
As reported by The New Indian Express, ABVP leaders shared the news of DU VC’s announcement regarding the construction of a new student center during the Madari event.
The proposed student center aims to provide enhanced facilities and support services to the student community.
The university authorities are actively seeking suitable land for its construction, underscoring their commitment to catering to the evolving needs of students.
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Diverse Participation and Special Guests
The cultural fest witnessed enthusiastic participation from Nukkad Natak teams representing esteemed institutions such as Jesus and Mary College, Kalindi College, and Sri Aurobindo College, among others.
Special guest Prafulla Akant, the National Joint-Organising Secretary of Vidyarthi Parishad, emphasized the festival’s motto, “Our roots are in the soil,” highlighting the importance of cultural heritage and patriotism.
Judges’ Presence and Evaluation
The event also saw the presence of esteemed personalities such as actor Puneet Tiwari, Dr. Pratibha Rana, and Prof. Jagabandhu from the Department of Music, Delhi University, who served as judges. Their participation added to the vibrancy of the festivities and contributed to the overall success of the cultural event.
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Demand for Enhanced Student Facilities
Amidst the celebration and cultural fervor, the demand for a dedicated student center echoed through the voices of student representatives. Prafulla Akant acknowledged the demand from the Delhi University Students Union (DUSU) and reaffirmed the university’s commitment to addressing it by initiating the search for suitable land for the construction of the proposed student center.
Speaking at the event, Prafulla Akant highlighted the longstanding demand from the Delhi University Students Union (DUSU) for the establishment of a dedicated New Student Center.
He reiterated the university’s commitment to addressing the needs and aspirations of the student community by initiating the search for suitable land for the New Student Center.
Enthusiastic Participation
The Madari cultural fest witnessed enthusiastic participation from various colleges, with Nukkad Natak teams from esteemed institutions such as Jesus and Mary College, Kalindi College, and Sri Aurobindo College showcasing their talents. Notable personalities, including actor Puneet Tiwari and Dr. Pratibha Rana, graced the event as judges, adding to the vibrancy of the festivities.
The announcement of a New Student Center during the Madari cultural fest reflects Delhi University’s dedication to enhancing student facilities and promoting cultural engagement. As the university embarks on the search for suitable land, students can anticipate the realization of this ambitious initiative, which aims to cater to their diverse needs and aspirations, fostering a conducive learning environment for all.