The Delhi Government is facing resentment from the DUTA over the delay in releasing grants. The reports say that over 12 colleges of Delhi University fully funded by the Delhi government have not yet paid salaries.
A letter had been written by the Delhi University Teacher’s Association (DUTA) to CM Arvind Kejriwal on Tuesday, July 21. The letter was associated with a warning of physical protest, hazarding the threat of the COVID-19 pandemic. It dictates the discharge of grants to 12 colleges operated by the government.
Rajib Ray, DUTA President, stated that the authorization of grants to these colleges has been irregular and insufficient. According to the letter, the grants authorized to date are not sufficient. The grants can not even meet the critical requirements of payment of salaries and pensions. Several colleges of DU have not paid their teachers since May.
The decision by the government for not releasing funds barring Rs 18.75 crore. The first installment by the government on June 4 has enticed anger. According to the letter by DUTA, it is getting very tough to deal with the crisis month after month. The crisis caused by the unfair action of withholding grants referring to flimsy alibis such as non-formation of governing bodies, the paucity of funds, or inspections set up in a few colleges, for which the employees are not accountable.
Besides the timely payment of salaries, the union has even been petitioning for the release of their salaries and payment of dues. The compensations such as making payments for employees’ medical expenses, seventh central pay commission related arrears, and leisure payments for Adhoc professors. Moreover, grants are also needed for infrastructural development and maintenance. Grants for generating posts under the expansion of EWS have also not been released.
As per the letter by DUTA, the delay in the release of the grant is entirely unacceptable and is crippling the institutions. The DUTA’s letter further stated that the teachers had reached the end of their tether, after sending multiple letters and petitions to the government regarding the matter. They would take the protest to the streets in a physical demonstration on July 27.
As told by a government official, funds for April-May have been released. As for June, the Deputy CM wished to learn the status of the formation of governing bodies. The Delhi government has been played around by the college management. They have been forming GBs and have also been creating some posts on their own. There is no need for some financial control if the Delhi government is funding them.