On Thursday, Delhi University has announced that if the adverse condition of coronavirus pandemic does not stabilize, the University might go for an ‘open book’ mode of examinations.
RSS affiliated Students’ Union Akhil Bhartiya Vidhyarthi Parishad proposed a memo of demands on the mode of examination to Delhi University’s Vice-Chancellor, on Friday.
As before, it was said by DU that they could opt virtual mode of examination if the condition doesn’t normalize.
ABVP shown dissatisfaction due to the fact that very little time was provided by the authorities for a discussion with stakeholders and a single mode of examination was introduced, the union asserted. The students’ body asked for extensive dialogues with the stakeholders in order to put up a better solution.
They suggested that many alternatives should be provided to the students in terms of course, to be evaluated, conduction of examinations and the kind of questions to be answered.
Many students of DU had left the capital, due to ongoing mid-semester break without any book notes, or study material with them, as the break was short. DU should make provisions to provide study materials to pupils. Last year students should be evaluated conventionally, as university always did and it can also give feasible options to students. First-year and Second Year students should be promoted on the basis of their previous performances, ABVP insisted.
Students should be assessed for only that portion of the syllabus, which has been completed before mid-semester breaks, in classrooms, they further said.
ABVP suggested composite methods of evaluation like Multiple choice questions, Viva, projects, internals, and assignments.
Online submissions should not be made compulsory for students, they should be given the offline option as well. The exams should be conducted, after the lockdown in every state, stabilize so that students can travel easily.
They also suggested that final year postgraduate and undergraduate students’ courses must be decreased and priority should be given to them in conducting the examination.
AVBP also plead university to lessen the eligibility standards as far as possible to assist admission of final year students and admission of after 12th students in Delhi University.
They also urged that students and teachers should also put extra efforts in order to finish their academic programs.
The State Secretary of AVBP, Siddharth Yadav said on Friday “
The adverse situation arising out of the COVID-19 pandemic is unprecedented. These are difficult times and no such decision that improves the hardships being faced by students must be taken. The recommendations that we have given today to the University Grants Commission’s Expert Committee have been arrived upon after comprehensive deliberations and discussion with students. The recommendations offered by students have been attached to the memorandum. We have disagreed with the idea of online examinations and we hope that any decision was taken by the authority will take into account the welfare of students.”
-Varsha Verma