Just after the release of Official Notification of Common Admission Test 2018, Board of Controller of Examinations, Jawahar Lal Nehru University, Delhi (JNU) agreed to accept CAT Score for Admission to MBA Programme from July 2019 session onwards.
On 30 July 2018, at 04:59 PM, JNU Vice-Chancellor Shri Mamidala Jagadesh Kumar tweeted via his official handle that “JNU joins the Common Admission Test 2018 (CAT 2018), conducted by IIMs, for admission in School of Management and Entrepreneurship in JNU starting from July 2019 session. Details at: https://iimcat.ac.in.” CAT official Notification has been released online on 31 July 2018.
Jawahar Lal Nehru University VC also confirmed that 2018 is the flagship year for MBA programme at JNU. And, candidates who will get Admission in this Non-IIM via CAT will have management programme offered through the School of Management and Entrepreneurship.
What Is CAT Exam?
CAT full form is Common Admission Test which is conducted once every year in November month as on Online Examination. CAT CBT (Computer Based Test) qualified candidates get the awesome opportunity to take admission in Indian Institute of Management (IIMs). Besides, there are a number of non-IIMs top B Schools and universities which offer management studies based on CAT scores. And, now JNU Delhi is one among them.
On 9th May 2018, CAT 2018 official exam date was confirmed by Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta i.e. November 25, 2018 (Sunday). Besides, complete notification unveiling the starting date of online registration and last date to apply online was uploaded on official website www.iimcat.ac.in on Sunday. Due to heavy load on the server, www.iimcat.ac.in may remain down for a while and aspirants are advised to keep refreshing the page.
6th August 2018 and 19th September 2018 are respectively the start date and last date of CAT 2018 Application Form. By solving as many sample paper, previous year papers and model questions paper IIM joining volunteers should practice more and more to score as high percentile as possible. On 25th November 2018 (CAT Exam Date), questions will be asked from Section I: Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (VARC), Section II: Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning (DILR), and Section III: Quantitative Ability (QA).
~Preksha Mishra
Reported by All India Round Up