Zoom App: There Is A Major Outbreak Of Cybercrime Relating To It

Zoom for online classes

Owing to the coronavirus outbreak and the massive lockdown all over the country, a lot of work is done on the internet. Beginning from conference calls to online lectures, everything is being done on the net. The app which actually jumped up with a huge profit is the zoom app. Mainly for online lectures and important meeting, this app is being used in each corner of the county. The zoom app actually zoomed to frame with the ongoing lockdown not only in India but also in other countries across the globe. It not only helped everyone to work with ease, but also curbed the spread of coronavirus.

Loopholes of cyber security

Since everyone is working from home, cybercrime is hitting badly. Several cybersecurity and privacy loopholes are discovered in the app. The app is being hacked by someone and the exploits are being sold on the darkest corners of the internet. It is not about just the vulnerabilities which are being shared on the app. Even passwords, emails and the device information is also discovered. All the exploits are the result of vulnerabilities of the app. Ranging from those in webcam to microphone, all the illegal and incorporated data is being shared on the app. All these things are resulting in the widespread of cybercrimes.

Everything is happening because of hackers

Hacked claims to have been a part of the trade himself. According to the interview, the hacker traded exploits we’re found in zoom app or the black market. All these things are the parts of cybercrime. The hacker also mentions that all the flaws of the zoom app is being sold in the market ranging from 3.8 lakh to 22.8 lakh. Still, there are some exploits which are sold in the market much higher price. So this is not the idle price of the exploits which are sold on the dark web. Although this app is being used in d all over the country stating many benefits and solving many issues, it is also being used at illegal platforms.


Cybercrime is a serious issue which can also allege the person behind the bars. And selling misinformation is never be ignored as a crime.  Zoom was also blamed for zoombombing. It is a kind of video conference which can be joined by multiple users   a time. They were selling users data to Facebook with out users consent. Nobody has a right to share someone’s information without their consent and so was done by the hacker. They were even selling some unpatched bugs through which hackers can steal windows user data and password. This is nothing but a support to hacking. It this would continue, this app will have to suoffer a lot due to safety and privacy issues. Moreover, the app has also exposed LinkedIn profiles and has been found with a “malware” like the installer for macOS. These vulnerabilities are still not disclosed to the users and so another case arose from California. The app faces a lawsuit in the US district court for the northern district of California. It was just because of the lack of end-to-end encryption and disclosure of the vulnerabilities to its users. The app has also been banned by Google for its employees.

A better app than the zoom app

 The lockdown is still going to continue for some more days and people are working from home. Almost all the systems are operating through the net and decisions regarding important aspects is done through conference. So the organisations are thinking to shift to another video conferencing tools for their work. So there are some more apps which are trying to give better service than the zoom app.

~ Kanika Khatri

Read- DU to develop a Mobile App or Website for Semester Exams


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