World Oceans Day: What is Ocean Acidification?

World oceans day

Oceans play a significant role in everyday life. So to create awareness of oceans’ importance, the World Oceans Day is celebrated every year on 8 June. World Oceans day shed light on various resources we derive from oceans. Therefore it emphasizes resource sustainability and maintaining its health.

Significance of World Oceans Day

The day is celebrated to remind people of their responsibility toward the sustainable use of ocean resources. After all, it covers 70% of the earth and it is our life source. Moreover, on this day awareness is created across the world regarding the impact of human activities on water bodies. Human activities involve overfishing, the introduction of invasive species, ocean pollution through the garbage disposal, ocean acidification, ocean warming and more. 

Oceans: Lungs of our Planet

Most of the oxygen is provided by oceans, therefore known as the lungs of the planet. In other words, over 50% of oxygen is produced from oceans alone. Additionally, it is a source of food, medicines, and proteins and home to several of the planet’s biodiversity. In short, oceans are a substantial part of the earth.

Blue Economy 

Various ocean-based sectors provide millions of people with a source of income. Includes tourism, fisheries, deep-sea mining, marine research, shipping and more. Currently, over 3 billion people earn their livelihood from ocean-based industries. Besides, according to reports, by 2030 the ocean-based industries will create 40 million people employed.

Reduce Global Warming

As per the data, 30 per cent of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases are absorbed by the Oceans. Consequently, controlling temperature and global warming.  

World Oceans Day 2022 Theme

World oceans day

This year the theme decided was Revitalization: collective action for the ocean. Planet has countless advantages of having oceans and it supports the people in multiple ways. However, oceans need our support too. All human activities (dumping plastic pollution, garbage disposal, etc) and poor implementation of sustainability techniques and regulations affect the water bodies adversely. Such as:

  • Depletion of 90% of big fish populations. 
  • Deterioration of more than half of coral reefs
  • Habitat destruction

This day aims to replenish whatever we lost till now. Moreover, to set strict sustainable goals and achieve them collectively. So, on this day many institutional partners, industry experts, and entrepreneurs spoke about biodiversity sustained by oceans.


Ocean Acidification: Threat to Oceans

World oceans day
Source: Desdemona Despair

Ocean acidification implies the process of dissolution of carbon dioxide (CO2) in seawater, followed by the formation of carbonic acid (H2CO3) and resulting in decreasing the pH value of the earth’s oceans. It negatively affects the ocean and marine ecosystem.

Causes of Ocean Acidification

  • Mostly it is caused by burning fossil fuels such as petrol, diesel, and coal. They produce carbon dioxide and result in the change of water bodies. 
  • An increase in hydrogen ions also causes ocean acidification. When other molecules like nitrogen or compounds like water react with hydrogen ions. It results in contamination of ocean water. And promotes acidification of the ocean. 
  • Disposal of waste from domestic as well as industries increases the level of acid in water bodies.
  • One more reason is industrialisation, it accelerates the formation of CO2 in the atmosphere. Followed by ocean absorption and then an increase in acidity level. 

Impacts of ocean acidification 

  • There is a great loss of aquatic life due to acidification. As water bodies only support aquatic ecological systems until they are in optimal condition. Many organisms are extinct and some are endangered.
  • The Food web gets disrupted due to the extinction of some species from the cycle. 
  • Coral bleaching- It is widely seen in the Caribbean regions, Indonesia, Pacific Islands and in more subtropical areas.

Difficulty in the formation of biogenic calcium carbonate by marine calcifying due to the shortage of carbonate ions.

Solutions for Ocean Acidification

Furthermore, there are many more bad effects of ocean acidification. It’s high time to recognise the need for some actions in saving aquatics and human lives. 

  1. Regulations and implementation of strict rules to avoid human activities which lead to poor conditions of oceans.
  2. Further, less use of fossil fuels because will result in less CO2 emissions.
  3. Use of renewable resources such as solar energy or wind energy.
  4. Decreasing the consumption of meat will reduce the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Consequently, there is a decreased level of acidification.

Besides, other ocean threats include plastic pollution, destruction of habitats, dumping of harmful waste in water bodies, and the introduction of invasive fish and the like. 


History of Global Oceans Day

For the first time, the idea of celebrating world ocean day was proposed in 1992. The Oceans Institute of Canada came up with the proposal at the Earth Summit in Rio De Janeiro of the UN Conference on Environment and Development or UNCED. Subsequently, in 2008 (after 16 years) the United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution to stipulate World Oceans Day on 8 June.

As a result, this day is celebrated across the globe and contributes to spreading awareness regarding the significant role of oceans in several sectors.

Bottom Line

We have already lost a lot, but not all but if we do not stop doing the same to our marine ecosystem then for sure we will lose everything. We should acknowledge the importance of oceans in our everyday life and support them in every possible way. After all, oceans do a lot for us from providing livelihoods to reducing global warming. 

Therefore, on this World Ocean Day let’s contribute to saving this lifeline of the planet. By making the water bodies healthier, beautiful, clean and lively. 



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