National Eligibility Cum Entrance Test (NEET), the prestigious medical entrance examination has been under deliberation to be conducted twice a year. The NEET aspirants have yet been waiting for the declaration of a date for the exam and also about the decision for conducting it twice a year.
Vineet Joshi, director-general of the National Testing Agency (NTA) has hinted in a recent interview about the announcement of the date of the examination. As per that, the date for the NEET exam may be announced by February-end or early-March. While stating an explanation for the delay in the announcement of the date for the examination, Mr. Joshi attributed the amount of time being taken to the number of agencies involved in this. He said that as two ministries, 28 boards, and NTA is involved in the brainstorming process, the process is time-consuming.
He further said that they are taking all possible aspects into consideration that are in the best interest of the students. And that the final decision about the same can be expected by the end of February.
Asking about the possibility of conducting the NEET entrance test twice a year, the NTA also wrote to the Union Health Ministry. NTA stated that if executed, this move could lessen the stress and pressure that students go through.
After being postponed twice, the exam was held on 13 September last year. Around 7,71,500 candidates in total have qualified for the exam out of the 13.66 who appeared for the exam. The NEET Exam 2021 was offered in eleven languages -notably- English, Urdu, Hindi, Assamese, Bengali, Odia, Marathi, Kannada, Gujarati, Tamil, and Telugu.