Ramesh Pokhriyal, Union Education Minister Ramesh was scheduled to hold talks with the teachers today, however, the webinar has been postponed, and will now be held on 22 December. Ramesh Pokhriyal informed in his tweet that he is eager to have a pleasant conversation with the teachers on December 22 at 4 pm. They are requested to share their questions with him using #EducationMinisterGoesLive.
Nishank, on Wednesday, declared the dates for the JEE Main examination, which will be held in several slots from next year. The exam will be from 23 to 26 February, 15 to 18 March, 27 to 30 April, and 24 to 28 May.
Initially, Ramesh Pokhriyal said that deduction in the syllabus of board examinations cannot be ruled out, but the decision will be taken only keeping in view the situation. He said that it is not compulsory to follow the earlier timetable and the examination schedule can be postponed due to an epidemic.
He further said that as no physical school has been organized yet if the situation persists, there may be an option for practical examination. Parents, students, teachers, and other stakeholders can ask their queries by writing to #EducationMinisterGoesLive.