The Indian Economic Services Exam has been canceled this year by The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) claiming lack of vacancies this year. The commission said in a recent notice that the Indian Economic Services Exam,2020 will not be organized this year due to the NIL vacancy reported for the Indian economic service by the Ministry of Finance (Department of Economic Affairs).

The UPSC was to release the notification for IES and ISS recruitment exam this year as per the revised recruitment calendar for 2020.

The exam was scheduled to be organized on October 16 onwards for three days which stands canceled now. However, the applications for  ISS posts have begun with 47 vacancies.

The no. of vacancies advertised by the UPSC  which is one of the apex recruitment bodies for government sector jobs has been on a decline for a quite long while now and this has added much tot eh disappointment of job aspirants.

The number of posts advertised by the UPSC  has been going down since 2015. From 3030 in 2015-16 to 2352 in 108-19, the number of vacancies has gone down as per the official data.

In the year 2015-16, a total number of 3750 candidates were recommended by the UPSCbut this declined to 3020 in 2016-17. A small rise was observed in the year 2107-18 when a total of 3083 candidates were recommended but this no. dropped hugely in 2018-19 to 2352 candidates .

This number of appointments was the lowest recorded in the past four years.

A total no. of 65 vacancies were advertised under UPSC IES ISS recruitment notification last year. Out of the total 65, 32 appointments were for IES, and 33 were in Indian Statistical Service (ISS) posts.

The IES jobs aim at hiring individuals who have at least a postgraduate level of degree in economics and related fields.

Candidates between the age group of 21 to 31 years are selected for this job, as per the rules.



  1. The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) and the Ministry of Finance has disappointed lakhs of Economics postgraduates in the country who have been waiting for Indian Economic Service notification to be released on the 10th of June after an initial postponement. UPSC says that the Ministry of finance had informed them of nil vacancies this year for the Indian Economic Service examination. Every year lakhs of youth appear this examination for the coveted service to support economic policy planning in India. However, as per the detail available on the Indian Economic Service website, there are vacancies available. As per the website, the sanctioned strength of the service is 518 officers of all levels. Out of which, as per the seniority list published on May 29 there are 425 officers in position. UPSC has recommended 32 officers against 2019 examination, and 20 officers were promoted departmentally. This takes the total to 477. Add to this, 26 officers will retire during 2020. All the calculation leaves a clear vacancy of 67 posts. If adjusted between direct recruitment and departmental promotion, 40 vacancies would go to UPSC, and 27 can be internally promoted during 2020. But, the UPSC and the Ministry of Finance, Department of Economic affairs have disappointed the candidates already undergoing coaching and waiting for the examination.


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