
When lockdown 4.0 draws to an end on 31st May 2020, the Ministry of Home Affairs on Saturday 30th May 2020 released the guidelines to reopen the nation in a phased strategy. Nevertheless, lockdown 5.0 and unlock 1.0 will go hand in hand. Till June 30 the lockdown will be prolonged in all contaminant zones and only essential activities will be permitted.

The phased wise reopening of the areas which fall outside the contaminant zones will be entitled. The ministry has permitted to resume all the activities except specific activities in the regions which are not a part of contaminant zones. The specific activities can be resumed only with the stipulation of obeying the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) that will be prescribed in a phased manner by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare(MHFW).

Phase 1

From 8th June 2020 following activities will be permitted:

  • Spiritual spots of worship for public
  • Restaurants, Hotels, and other hospitality courtesies
  • Shopping Malls

The Standard Operating Procedures(SOPs) will be issued by the Ministry of Home & Family Welfare for the activities mentioned above.

Phase 2

Universities, Colleges, Schools, Educational Training Coaching Institutes, etc will be reopened after holding meetings or consulting with states and Union Territories. State Government or Union Territories can hold meetings and conferences with parents and other stakeholders at the institution level. On the basis of the responses, a conclusion on the reopening of these institutes will be taken in July.

The Ministry of Home and Family Welfare with the consultation of concerned Ministries Departments and other stakeholders will issue SOP for securing social distancing and stop the spread of Covid-19.

Phase 3

On the basis of the analysis of the condition, dates for resuming the following activities will be declared:

  • International air journey of the passengers except as allowed by the Ministry of Home Affairs
  • Metro trains
  • Movie theaters, gymnasium, swimming pools, entertainment gardens and theaters, bars, and auditoriums, committee halls, and related spots
  • Public/ political/ sports/ entertainment/ academics/ artistic or religious functions and other large ceremonies.


Nationwide Directives for Coronavirus Management

Nationwide directives for Coronavirus management in Annexure I should be proceeded to be followed in the entire country.

Night Curfew

Night Curfew will be imposed every night from 9 PM to 5 AM in the entire nation. People are not allowed to come out of their homes except for essential work. Local authorities are asked to issue orders in the areas under their control as per applicable provisions of the constitution such Sec 144 of CPC and assure stringent compliance.

Lockdown 5.0 Imposed in Contaminant Zones

Lockdown is extended and will continue till 30th June 2020 in all the Contaminant Zones.

After the MoHFW releases its guidelines, the contaminant zones will be confined by the district authorities as per the guidelines.

The persistence of only essential activities is permitted in the Contaminant Zones. Stringent parameter supervision should be set to assure there are no activities taking place by the people in these zones, except for the movement if essential goods and services and fir medical purposes. There should be substantial contact tracing, door to door surveillance, and offer medical interventions as per the guidelines that will be issued by a node for the Contaminant Zones.

States and Union Territories have been asked to point out buffer zones outside the contaminant areas which have considerable possibilities of having a new large number of Covid-19 cases.

State Government and Union Territories as per their understanding and assessment, if the condition urges may restrict specific activities outside the contaminant areas or impose such regulations as deemed crucial.

Unrestrained inter/intra-state movements

There will be no regulations or constraints on inter and intra-state travel of individuals. No permission or approval letter/card will be needed for any such travel.

Usage of Aarogya Setu Application

Aarogya Set sole action launched by the government helps to identify early risk associated with infection and therefore helps individuals to stay protected and out this the reach of infection. Employees should make sure that they install Aarogya Setu App to assure safety in departments and offices. The local authority may ask people to install the app and update their health status regularly in the application.

Stringent follow up of the Guidelines

All the District authorities should strictly ensure the enforcement of the above guidelines and should not provide any relaxation in the guidelines in any manner under the Disaster Management Act 2005.

Parliament’s strict action for not following the guidelines

Any person who violates the above guidelines will be accountable as per the Sec 51 to 60 of the Disaster Management Act 2005. Furthermore, legal action will be taken against the person under Sec 188 of IPC and other legitimate provisions.



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