One of the most prestigious universities, Delhi University, on 5 August, Friday announced its intent to organise Tiranga Yatra on 10 August 2022. It will be a Tiranga rally for celebrating 75 years of Independence under the ‘bar that Tiranga Abhiyan’.
Further, the Tiranga rally will be constituted by several students, teaching and non-teaching staff of the DU. Also, it will cover a four-kilometres distance.
According to the university officials, “Delhi University will organize Tiranga Yatra or Tiranga rally next week, 10 August. The initiative is under the Abhiyan called ‘Har Ghar Tiranga Abhiyan’. Moreover, this will be the history yatra conducted by Vice-Chancellor of Delhi University (DU), Yogesh Singh. Several university students, officials, teaching and non-teaching staff will be observed participating.”
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Besides, the central government is preparing energetically for the ‘Har Ghar Tiranga Abhiyan’ on the 75th anniversary of India’s independence under the ‘Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav’. ‘Tiranga’ will be hoisted at every house from August 13 to August 15 in all the states. However, from now on, Tiranga Yatra is being taken out in different parts of the country.
Furthermore, various government departments are also participating in this. For instance, on 3 August, Members of Parliament will also take out the tricolour yatra riding on motorcycles. Vice President M. Venkaiah Naidu will flag off this yatra at the Red Fort. The time for the tricolour colour visit of the Members of Parliament has been kept at 8.30 am.