The University Grant Commission (UGC’s) recently released guidelines for the examinations are subjected to be challenged in the court. The recently released UGC guidelines mandated the exams for final year students and further navigated to conduct exams by September. Anubha Shrivastava, India wide parents association chief said that they are going to approach the Supreme Court. She further asserted that they will demand relief for lakhs of final year students in India.

Students via social media are protesting against the UGC’s decision and are demanding UGC’s guidelines to be scrapped. Undergraduate and postgraduate students are urging that assessment should be done based on internal exams and the previous semester’s results. They solicit the 50-50 criteria which have been set for the intermediate students. A final year student asserted that the guidelines did not bestow deliberation on the infrastructure. Also, the demographic limitations of our education system are being ignored by the UGC. A student Sharanya tweeted that the adamant assertion on the conduct of pen and paper during the epidemic will spell fate for students.

A student named Ashish Kumar proposed UGC to cancel final year exams and assess students on the basis of internal assessments. He further asserted that UGC should propose a provision for the students disappointed with the current results. Pen and paper exams should be conducted for the students when the situation gets stable.


Another student stated that UGC should make its guidelines as an advisory. The UGC should remove the compulsion and leave the decision on the state. Abhishek on Twitter tweeted that they don’t own a laptop or tablet. Also, the families will not let them travel to cities for online exams.

Even after the protests, UGC’s decision stays intact. Till now over 640 universities have responded to UGC’s guidelines on holding exams, said UGC. Out of these, over 454 Universities have conducted the exams or are planning to do so. Around 177 universities are yet to take a decision on the conduct of final year exams. The commission told that over 27 private universities established during 2019-20 are not yet eligible for final year exams.


Professor Rajnish Jain, UGC secretary a week back said that the commencement of final year examinations are very important. Also with the conduct of exams, the safety of the students is the primary concern. Universities and colleges can opt-out for the blended mode to conduct final year exams. The UGC guidelines have been formulated as per the standard operating procedure proposed by the Health Ministry. He included that final year exams fir students should be conducted by all the states.



  1. If any student die with covid-19 who will responsible for students life and also their families govt or universities or UGC how are you going to make them risk their lives and give exams ?on one hand, you ask people to stay indoors, on the other hand academic excellence is based onone single paper

  2. I totally agree with Syed afzal Ali bro , we all are the feature of country and how can u put our life’s in danger and we r not ready to loose our machured children u only tell us if we loose them who will bare the pain and u will just conduct a exam and we should loose our children and the children who’s age it 20/21 how u only tell us how survive with out them we are not ready to write exam and we r not telling to cancel the exam plz conduct the exams after the cure of this virus 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 plzzzzzzzzz understand our situation also plz I think u r also a parent

  3. For completing any graduation or post graduation one has to go through few exams. Final exam is only one part of the course. Do they disbelieve in the previous exams or evaluation which was done according to their OWN RULES AND REGULATIONS ?

  4. Gov is ready to pass 12th student fy sy but only complication for final yr only iti and other students are awaiting they r not graduate , same for diploma students fy sy got promoted but not final yr what is this studying in any yr is equally importantant so pls allow final yr students to pass

  5. I just hope supreme court take decision soon. Lakhs of students career is on hold, if university exams is on there are University like Bangalore University who declares the results late. One yr will get waisted ,if ugc wants to conduct exams then ugc should tell universities to declare results in weeks so that those who wants to go overseas or pursue job can go for it.

  6. They are the most educated personalities of the nation, they should realise, conducting exam in this kind of situation is a disastrous, not only for their health, but we are putting the lives of the whole nation at stake, the students/lecturer involved in the exam/evaluation will become the carrier to the families/neighbors and the whole society.

  7. What interest is playing behind change of decission of UGC for final semster exam is a matter of surprise. According to UGC, it appears that Covid 19 has out broken only in India and thus student if desire to go out side India for further study will be humiliated. There was the option for appearing exam if anyone is not satisfied with earlier decission. Then why the word “compulsory”, ” must” etc as mandate, stamped the further decission, is a painful matter. Prime Minister is earnestly requested to interfere on the issue out of court immediately for a reasonable solution.

  8. Why would degrees of final year students be less valuable without an exam when continuing students will get degrees without exams for this semester?Examinations of intermediate semesters are cancelled, won’t it affect their employability in future? Because in semester based pattern of education, every individual semester has the same weightage. What is so special about the final semester that makes it so important to appear for examinations, while you can forego appearing other semester examinations?

    • Exam deni k liye ready h but baar baae exam cancel ku kar rahi ho .exam lani h to lo sir exam ki chakkar mai ham dusri hamari competition ki taiyari nahi ho pa rahi .
      Please sir Jaldi decision lijiye.

      • During this pandemic it’s hard to decide. We are all already at that mindset of deciding between our life and death. Please reconsider about this. Also education is main parts of peoples life who are all at confusions states.

        Also a request if possible that ugc have decided please consider about the student who are doing the distance education. Our mind is so confusing when we don’t know if you have decided only for regular students or involving us as well.

        Please reconsider about conducting the exam at the end life matters than education. We won’t be able to proceed our study if we no longer alive.

  9. Exam deni k liye ready h but baar baae exam cancel ku kar rahi ho .exam lani h to lo sir exam ki chakkar mai ham dusri hamari competition ki taiyari nahi ho pa rahi .
    Please sir Jaldi decision lijiye.

  10. I just dont understand why our previous sem are waste because ugc is considering degree based on the final sem if not i.e., a corona degree right then you should have consider only one exams not these many sem right.and also i think u r gona not spoil our degree u r spoiling juniors degree by providing them pass in the middle acdemic year if u pass us na then however who studies na they will study for next exams or jobs and ur just simple providing mental pressure in this crisis in all status all want to reduce the cases but ugc want to increase it and make india backward and one more thing we have studies all sem only we dont want to write exam not because we r fearing of exams we fearing for our family who r gona involve in this and we r risking our lifes only to satisfy ugc 😏

  11. If any human loss in covid 19. The ugc assured. The ugc give compensation to the students family. Because the student foundation of his family and his parents. So the ugc parmot the final year student. The ugc said the final result to valuation of students. But the students give his performance to first and second year. They Proved two years back to back.

    • Year end exams are an evaluation of the Student of his/her performance in the subject, what he /she learned in the academic study, in the semester wise exams already completed mid sem, only year end sem pending, some completed middle exams, other internal tests, submitted records, assessment tests, only final exams remaining due, for getting degrees, it’s very pretty to say that, in this pandemic situation, how the exams to be conducted, all stakeholders lives are in danger, who take the responsibility, in the present pandamic situation if exams conducted, all stakeholders affected with covid19, no one get back the normal situation, the authorities think they will do it, in this present situation what happening, all precautions are taken by the government authorities, but not controlled the covid19 effected persons, one side the authorities are urging the people not move in public places and outside, now they conduct exams in this pandemic situation, it is a situation, all the students, teachers, professors and other supporting staff, printers and others as well.

  12. Whole faculty of reasoning of UGC has lost. It has gone mad. They must revisit the decision soon else apec court would not spare UGC on this silly decision.

  13. I’m doing my masters in literature at Kakatiya University. Due to pandamic situation all the final year examination were on hold, some people was asking to cancel the examination. But this is not tge right way to cancel up because it’s our life matter.. for example some students may get less grade in previous semesters and some may score good but not everyone will carry the same garde points… If they cancel the examinations and will give us according to the previous semesters grade we may loose our final score. Why can’t you get this point. Even we won’t get further job opportunities.

  14. This pandemic situation will hold on for next few months too As per daily review .
    Safety of our nation is our major concern .. so that no mother looses their sons., daughters .n others family members..
    UGC guide line involves interaction of students n teachers too with this pandemic atmosphere.. risk is severe… UGC kindly don’t play with lives of nation…n u can’t retain students of final year for so long.. allow them to look after their other career opportunities too….

  15. Its an humble reqst to cancel the final yr examzz its to difficult to write the examzz in this covid pandemic situation ..

  16. When there is restriction for funerals and marriage, to avoid crowds.. why these exams are being conducted.. wont they create huge crowds and spread the virus. ? Its a request to evaluate final year students based on previous sems or years… and internal marks…those marks give correct valuation of a students performance.

  17. Everything restricted by government bcoz of risk will arise……… If any student will infected by covid who will responsible……… Government should think about it…….. Becoz no precautions is enough to conduct exam….. If it is good for our….. Online examination is better option…….

  18. What about thesis submissions for final agricultural students . Please take decission fastly, due to covid all are facing problems ,so many of them are planned for futher education and for jobs also,now things got changed so please take correct decission for all final year students.

  19. Please cancel final year examinations. As we too are humans just like the first and second years and will be prone to the covid.
    Why put the lives of the students at risk??
    From the point of view of the students as well, we won’t be able to prepare well for the exams cuz of the fear of the covid virus. Hence, just promote us based on the internal or previous semester marks..

  20. You conduct exam no problem but conduct classes atleast without class how to write exam i know u available online class but revisions assignment how we complete I’m final year degree student from bangalore university i ready to write exam u should conduct classes atleast online class also properly final year is turning point of student we already paid a amount of exam at least you should discount in exam fees we are family facing financial problem


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