
Twitter is the social networking site through which people connect and interact through messages known as ‘tweets’. In twitter, a word or any news or a phrase that is mentioned at a higher rate than others become a ‘trending topic’ or simply a ‘trend’. This happens because of the efforts of people that is concerted on that specific topic.

Mode of Examination: As the nation is going through a massive lockdown for a few days due to the coronavirus outbreak, all institutions have been closed. As it is a lockdown, all educational institutions can not conduct their examinations and classes. So, universities are trying their best to educate students by conducting online lectures and providing them notes. Regarding the examination point of view, it is still to be disclosed by the Delhi University that what will be the mode of conducting examinations? Most probably it would be online examinations, but, due to a huge strength of the students, everybody is still not satisfied with the decision.

Reasons for the Twitter Trend: As Delhi University provides education in every part of the nation, there are few students who had gone to their hometown in the mid-semester break and It is not possible for them to appear for online examinations. Therefore, students are about to join the Twitter trend demanding the Delhi University administration to stop them from conducting examination through online mode. There are many other reasons which prove that the online mode of examination is not suitable for the students.

  1. Network Connectivity: As some students who live in rural areas do not have access to the internet or they have to face many network issues, so it is difficult for them to appear for online examinations.
  2. Phone and Computer: There are many students who belong to the poor family and they do not have a computer and smartphone at their home. Online mode of examination would require smartphones and computers. So, the immediate availability of electronic gadgets is nearly impossible for them. And that is why exams should not be conducted through online mode.
  3. Lack of Study Material: There are many students who do not have books and adequate study materials at home. And that is why they are facing a huge problem to study. So, if exams would be conducted online, it would be difficult for them to appear for those examinations because if they do not have adequate study material they would be able to study. And appearing for examinations without proper revision would pay a tremendous effect on their academic performance.
  4. Visually Handicapped students: Delhi University provides equal opportunity for visually handicapped students to come and study. These visually handicapped students include blind students or students with low sight. How these students would appear for online examination? So, if the University plans to conduct examination through online mode, it would be an unfair and discriminatory decision for them.

These were some of the reasons due to which students are following twitter trend against the administration to conduct examination through online mode.




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