As Delhi University released its first cut-off list for admissions for under graduate courses for the new session 2019-20, actor Tiger Shroff and rapper Badshah decided to cheer students up with their message that combines wisdom and style. In new Instagram posts, both talk about how they followed their passion to reach where they are today.
Sharing the video, Tiger wrote, “Cut-offs are temporary. Swag is permanent. #HarGhoontMeinSwag @PepsiIndia.” He said in a statement, “It doesn’t matter what one chooses to do, as long as you give it your 100%. I dropped out of college because I wanted to follow my passion for martial arts and acting. I knew that it was the one thing I was ready to give my 100% to. It took years of hard work to get to where I am today, but it seemed easy all through the way because I was doing what I loved. I only have one message for all those college aspirants who are eagerly waiting for the cutoffs to be announced — believe in yourself and your passion, carry yourself with swag and success will follow. Don’t let a number write off your dreams.”
Sharing his memories, Badshah said, “I was an all-rounder at school and not many people know but I have worked as a civil engineer in the past. But throughout my life there was only one thing that gave me pure joy, and that was music. A lot of people questioned my choices when I wanted to pursue it as a career, but I knew that my passion combined with hard work would take me far. I’m glad I could prove that following your passion can take one places. It’s all about believing in yourself and carrying yourself with ‘swag’. To all the kids who await the cut offs, dream big, be your confident self, work hard and make your dreams come true.”
While Tiger will soon be seen alongside Hrithik Roshan in is next film, Badshah is all set to make his acting debut with Sonakshi Sinha in Khandaani Shafakhana.
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~Preksha Mishra