Following the Kerala government’s initiative of “She pad” scheme, the Student Federation of India(SFI) has also led a bigger campaign with a tag of “Bleed without Fear” in the country’s premier university of Delhi demanding for the installation of sanitary napkin vending machines in all the college on Monday.
Hundreds of students from the Delhi University and Jawaharlal Nehru University has given their support to the campaign led by SFI. “Our demand was not only against the high GST tax on the pads but our Bleed without fear is also stands for the menstrual hygienic health of the female community. Every school and college should install sanitary napkin vending machines with good quality of pads with an environment safely disposal mechanism,” said Satarupa Chakraborty, member of SFI.
The students demanded the machines should be installed especially in the remote area and villages so that students from all the sections of the society can afford to buy.