Pizza delivery boy aged 19 years of a restaurant in Malviya Nagar in south Delhi has tested positive for COVID-19. He delivered pizza in the areas like Hauz Khas, Malviya Nagar and Savitri Nagar. Pizza delivery boy was on duty until he fell ill. In the last 15 days, the delivery boy delivered pizza to at least 72 families there is high chance that these 72 families may get infected too by the coronavirus.
According to BM Mishra, the district collector south Delhi these families have been home quarantine and are being monitored. The pizza delivery boy has been hospitalized to the government-run RML hospital. His treatment is in process.
As this virus is so dangerous that it spread from person to person in just a few seconds it was very necessary to identify the people’s who come in contact with that delivery boy. 17 more pizza delivery boys were in touch with him and they are too home quarantine and are being monitored for the safety measures.
What does the owner of that restaurant want to say?
He says that even after all precautions and safeguards one of our pizza delivery boy of Malviya Nagar in south Delhi had tested coronavirus positive. They have given all the information to the authorities regarding that pizza delivery boy and the authorities reached the respective customers who had come in contact with that pizza delivery boy. The owner of the restaurant says that while serving the society he gets infected and their sympathy is with him. They will help him and support him at there best.
According to officials, the pizza delivery boy has no travel history, he may catch the virus while delivering the food to any infected family.
” All the co-workers of the said rider have tested negative and as a precaution, the restaurant where the rider worked has suspended operations, “- zomato. Proper precautions are taken by the delivery boys. They wear a proper mask while delivering food.
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Proper steps that are taken in force, so that you can ensure that you can enjoy the occasional treat while being safe
- Order your food from trusted restaurants: Zomato and swiggy marks restaurant in their app which maintains proper hygiene during cooking. Try to order food from those restaurants only to avoid the spread of coronavirus.
- Avoid contact with a delivery boy: The delivery boy will place your order at the spot point or outside your home and only cashless payments are allowed to avoid any kind of contact. You can use Google pay, patym, phone pay, Netbanking, Credit Card for the bill payment.
- Wash your hands: After having your order with you don’t forget to wash your hands. Wash your hands for 20 minutes to be on the safer side.
You don’t know which person is infected by a coronavirus. Wash your hands and isolate yourself for a few days. Avoid online food delivery.
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~Neha Dhingra