Staff Selection Commission to hold three major exams | Know details

SC, Staff Selection Commission authority released the dates of three exams. The exams will take place at a higher level. They are the Limited Departmental Competitive Examination and Delhi Police Exam. Students who are willing to appear for the Staff Selection Commission examination can refer to the website. The SSC website is

Schedule of SSC exam

The Commission released a notification for the Limited Departmental Competitive Examination. The post vacant for this exam is Statistical Investigator Grade 2. The selected candidate would get this position in the operation of the Registrar General and Census Commissioner, India. The commission has set a date as 13 August for this examination. On October 21, SSC will hold the Delhi Police Examination for the recruitment of Constable, I.e. Driver. On the other hand, students who want to appear for the head constable post, ATO, or WPO can come for the exam on the 27th and 28th of October.

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Guidelines of Staff Selection Commission

Students must know that the Commission has just released the tentative schedule. The date sheet is made according to the guidelines that the government issued regarding the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Staff Selection Commission notification

Students can go through further details on the official website of SSC. they can refer to a section named Latest News would appear on the screen. Students can look for the notification there.


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