Procedure To Cancel Admission And Change College After Next Cut-Off

DU Freshers

Most of students take admission with the release of first cut-off list without making any delay just to secure a seat even when the programme or college opted by them is not their first choice. Usually cut-off drops in second cut-off list allowing students to go for their first choice. For this, student need to withdraw/cancel their admission from college/programme opted by them previously and after cancellation only they can take admission in other course or college.


If in the subsequent DU cutoff lists, candidates find themselves eligible for admission to a particular course or college, they must ensure that they meet all the eligibility requirements of that college. For the same, candidates are advised to personally visit the college in which they are seeking admission and check all the eligibility requirements thoroughly.

Candidate should check all information while filling form carefully. Even decision of cancellation should not be taken in rush. First confirm with the college and guidelines prescribed by college then only go for cancellation.

  1. Cancel the Previous/ First Admission

Since the second cut-off is out, candidates aspiring to switch the college must cancel their first admission by visiting the official admission portal of the University of Delhi. Primarily, the candidate has to Submit an application to the college in which you have taken admission and want to withdraw. Mention the certificates you have submitted in that. The candidates then have to fill the cancellation form available on the official website. The candidates will have to pay a cancellation fee and take the printout of cancellation slip.

The first admission which is canceled does not return fee immediately instead takes duration of 2-3 month. Candidate need to manage accordingly. If the admission fee at the second college is similar to the first, it will be adjusted automatically. If the course/ tuition fee is more than the former college, the candidates will have to pay the balance amount to confirm the admission. If the fee is less than the former college, the excess amount will be refunded to the candidate’s account after a few weeks.

The DU admission fee paid in the previous cutoff list will be refunded (after deducting the cancellation fee of Rs 1,000) and visible in the “Wallet” section of the dashboard.

Note: When the candidate pays the admission fee, any extra amount left in the “Wallet” section of the dashboard will be refunded in his/ her account after DU admissions 2019 are closed, informs the official website.

  1. Obtain Original Documents from Former College

After taking the printout of cancellation slip, the candidates will have to visit the formerly admitted college to collect the original documents or certificates. After obtaining the original documents, the candidates will have to submit the documents at the newly admitted college.

Once the admission from the previous DU college is withdrawn, candidates can take admission in another college by following the steps mentioned below:

  • Login to the DU admission portal
  • Choose the new course and college to generate application form
  • Fill the new application form
  • Report at the college along with the set of documents required for admission
  • Login to the DU portal again to pay the admission fee online

Once the fee is successfully paid, DU admission process for the respective college will be complete.

  1. Follow General Admission Rules

The candidates will have to follow all the general admission formalities. The admission confirmation can be checked on the official website of the university.

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~ Preksha Mishra


  1. If a student has generated cancellation form from the portal and did not deposited in the college will the admission be cancelled or not??

  2. I get admission in Deshbandhu college bsc botany in the 5th cutoff. But in the 10 th cutoff I wanted to admission in Rajdhani college bsc chemistry. Sir please give me a guide for I get admission this college

  3. This article is old.

    Needs a little update.

    In 2019,

    You are not required to submit your original documents to the college. So in the next cutoff if you wish to change your college, you need not visit the previous college.

  4. Sir.. I m student of Dr Bhim rao ambedkar college… I didi not got the fees back… I have cancelled admission from mata sundari college… And I did not got the remaining fees ….. No action were taken from college also

  5. Sir , I got my name in the first selection of Stewart Science College and then I did the slide up request to the college which I have given before this science college. And now in 2nd selection , I got my name in Shailabala women’s college but sir now I want to study in Stewart college but they have given me TC. Sir please suggest what to do now.


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