A plea was filed challenging the appointment of director-general (DG) of the IIMC (Indian Institute of Mass Communication). The Delhi High court, reacting to the plea said that there were no allegations of malafide and dismissed the plea. HC also said that it did not wish to intervene with the wisdom of experts.
On appointment of Sanjay Dwivedi as the DG of IIMC, Justice Jyoti said that there was no merit in the petition challenging the appointment and added that the experts committee having the knowledge of the subject is best equipped for the decision.
It was alleged in the plea that Sanjay Dwivedi did not fulfill the minimum required experience criteria of 25 years and yet he was selected for the post. It noted that Sanjay Dwivedi’s candidature for the post of DG was firstly scrutinized by high powered search cum selection committee which gave its recommendation on 24 February 2020 which was followed by approval from the appointments committee of the cabinet.
Ashutosh Mishra, the petitioner who filed the plea, told the court that Mr. Dwivedi graduated with a bachelor’s degree only in the year 1995 and his work experience years should be counted from then onwards. As per that he will complete 25 years of work experience in December this year but he got selected for the post of DG of IIMC much before that.
Reinstating petitioner’s counsel, a bachelor’s degree is a must to work in the field of media or let say as a journalist. Any sort of work done before the graduation degree cannot be considered.
As per the IIMC’s take, a bachelor’s degree was not mandatory in the field of media or films/ advertisement for the post but only work experience in the field of journalism/media/films, and Mr. Sanjay Dwivedi satisfies that criteria.