According to the Delhi Teachers Association (DTA), the teacher organization of the Aam Aadmi Party, 50 teachers of Delhi University (DU) have died so far due to coronavirus.
The DTA has demanded Rs 3 crore as compensation to the families of these teachers of Delhi University and employment to a family member.
According to DTA in-charge Dr. Hasanraj Suman, 50 teachers have died due to corona infection. Out of which, 28 are permanent teachers, 16 retired teachers, and four ad hoc, teachers. Dr. Suman has told that there are many national and international level professors in DU who have died due to corona infection.
These encompass Professor Prateek Chaudhary (Music Department), Professor Vinay Gupta (Physics Department), Professor Veena Kukreja (Department of Political Science), Professor SK Gupta (Faculty of Law), in addition to retired teachers Dr. Narendra Kohli, Dr. Narendra Mohan, Dr. KD Sharma, Prof. Monk Satyapal, Dr. SS Rana, Prof. Debu Chaudhary, Dr. Ramesh Upadhyay, besides former Principal of Rajdhani College, Dr. B.S. Yadav, teachers are involved.
Moreover, Dr. Suman has demanded from the DU administration that the families of the teachers who died during the Corona period should be provided financial assistance from the Teachers’ Welfare Fund like permanent teachers.