Omicron is spreading very fast especially in Maharashtra, Karnataka, and Delhi. Hence, Maharashtra schools may get closed again after the state faces a constant rise in cases. The schools here had reopened very recently after a long gap caused by the 2nd wave of covid-19. So, a similar fate lingers on Maharashtra education institutions.
Maharashtra Education Minister’s statement on the Omicron spread:
Varsha Gaikwad, the education minister of Maharashtra said that the state government is constantly monitoring the situation. Also, she added that there is a possibility that schools might get closed in view of the rising Omicron cases.
In her words, “If Omicron infection continues to rise, we may shut the schools again.” Until now, Maharashtra has had 54 registered Omicron cases. Hence, they are only a little behind the national capital, i.e. Delhi that has recorded 57 cases. As for the total number of cases in India, 213 cases have been reported of the fastest spreading strain Omicron.
Maharashtra people in fear of Omicron:
Maharashtra schools reopened in October for students in classes 5th to 12th in rural areas and classes 8th to 12th in urban areas. Also, physical teaching and learning activities in Maharashtra started on 1st December 2021. Considering the capital city Mumbai, schools reopen on 15th December 2021. In Pune, school reopening was postponed till 15th December 2021. Hence, it is quite evident that all Maharashtra cities and towns fear covid-19, especially the new Omicron variant.
In Karnataka, an official statement released on 3rd December 2021 stated that all events in educational institutions shall be postponed till 15th January 2021. Hence, there will be no offline classes for students until their parents are fully vaccinated.