WhatsApp released its new update a few days back changing its role from just a chatting app to a social networking one. This may be seen as an attempt to be on similar lines as Snapchat and Instagram, but no matter what their aim was behind this, the people are not taking this very happily. Just after the update was released, people expressed their annoyance through memes, tweets and much more and some even took to expressing their annoyance for the status update by posting a status update for the same. Here are some interesting tweets that we could find on the net.
This person who totally makes sense
The Irony——-And this difference in stories
But for those of you who are still fidgeting with your phones trying to make sense of the new update, we are here to help you. All you need to do is go to the ‘status’ icon next to that of chats and for adding your status you can click on ‘My Status’. If you want to view a person’s story just click on their name and you can also reply to their story by clicking on the option of reply in the bottom of their status. But do remember that both your and their status are temporary and can only be seen for 24 hours and disappear after that.
Hope you enjoy the new update and if that’s saying way too much, we hope it’s at bearable.
By- Pragya Achantani