Miranda House & IISC Bangaluru stood 1st | HRD Ministry Released NIRF ranking of Indian Institutes 2017


The Human Resource Development (HRD) ministry has released the national Institutional ranking Framework (NIRF) rankings for higher educational institutions in India on Monday. Institutes are ranked by National Bureau of Accreditation (NBA) on the basis of certain parameters like teaching and learning resources, graduation outcome, perception, outreach and inclusivity and research productivity.

Miranda House of Delhi and Indian Institute of science of Bengaluru stood at top in category of Best College and university respectively. Loyola College (Chennai) got second position and Shri Ram College of commerce (Delhi) got third position as best college.

Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi which became the center of attraction last year due to the massive protests on the issue of ‘anti nationalism’ ranked second and Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi ranked third position in the category of best universities.

Kolkata’s Jadavpur University which was also indulged in “anti-national” issue ranked fifth among best universities.

As per the HRD minister Prakash Javedkar ‘Jadavpur Univ$ersity’ and ‘JNU’ haven’t got good ranking for raising slogan for Afzal Guru but for doing good work.

Esteemed Indian Institute of Technology, Madras is judged as top engineering college, Jamia Hamdard as the best pharmacy institute and Indian Institute of management as finest management institute.

Colleges of Delhi University that also secured positions under top ten colleges of India are Atama Ram Sanatan Dharma College at fifth position, Lady Shri Ram College for Women at seventh position, Dyal Singh College at eight and Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College at ninth position.

There were also some prominent college of Delhi University which didn’t apply for ranking like St Stephen’s College, Hindu College, Delhi School of Economics, Ramjas College and Hansraj College.

According to government, these rankings are crucial because government funding for institutions depend on these rankings. Institutes that perform better in the NIRF are considered for greater autonomy and more international exposure.

By- Anushikha Chaudhary  


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