In her first attempt, Anjali Birla, who is the daughter of Lok Sabha Speaker and BJP Leader Om Birla, has cracked the Civil Services examination of 2019. The recently released results of the 2019 Union Public Service Commission exam named Anjali Birla as one of the 89 candidates on the reserve list. Anjali Birla is political science honors graduate from Ramjas College, Delhi University, and is the younger of the two daughters.
On Tuesday, marking the occasion, Birla said that she was very happy to get selected in the exam. She wanted to join the civil services to do something for society as she had always seen her father’s commitment towards the people of the country. Reportedly, Anjali’s elder sister Akansha helped her in her UPSC exam preparations, who is herself a chartered accountant.
The young officer has now joined her family in serving society along with her father OM Birla as a politician, her mother Dr. Amita Birla as a doctor, and her sister Akansha as a CA. Anjali Birla said that her entire family was serving the society, therefore, she chose civil services to serve the society. She would be happy if she got a chance to work for women empowerment.
Anjali often posts pictures alongside her parents on Instagram, where is very active. Birla had spoken in a post on Instagram about her two-and-a-half-year dedication that had taken her to write the UPSC exams. She wrote that it had been a thought changing, intellectually challenging, exciting, stimulating, determination filled journey that tested the mettle in her every day.
Pratibha Verma stood as the topper among women candidates across India in August last year after securing All India Rank 3 in the CSE 2019. She hails from Uttar Pradesh’s Sultanpur.