Transport Department, including DTC buses restart its services from today onwards. The department will ensure that the new norms related to social distancing, should be strictly followed.
As neither the cure nor the end of Coronavirus seems to be near, The Chief Minister of Delhi, Arvind Kejriwal moved with his plan ‘live with the Coronavirus policy’ as the Delhi Government gave permission to a number of activities in the city even the lockdown 4.0 stretched till the end of this month.
According to the fresh guidelines, around 3400 DTC buses start its services from Tuesday and other conveyances except for the Delhi metro resume today. Private vehicles are also allowed under the new norms. However, certain prohibitions have been imposed on the number of passengers they can take at a particular moment. Probably, fifty percent of the total auto-rickshaws will also provide its services, a Delhi administration officer contended.
Drivers will be able to disinfectant the vehicles after every ride. The Department of Transportation, Delhi, will, take mandatory steps to fulfill the norms of ‘social distancing’ at the bus stops and inside the buses as well. The government prohibited ‘Carpooling’.
In the statement, it was mentioned that all the private sector offices will start in its full swing. To ensure the employees in the workplace, ‘Arogya Setu’ application should be installed on each workers’ cellphone. The office authority expected to check it.
Markets are permitted to open on the odd-even basis in specific timings allowed. Shopping Malls and Complexes will remain shut. As per norms, the Restaurant will only available for home delivery or take away option but the dine-in facility is banned.
Goings out from the home between 7 pm to 7 am is still restricted, only in case of essential services, it is allowed. Citizens above 65 years, Children below 10, Pregnant ladies, and people who have health issues should not step out. Wearing masks is compulsory for everyone, as ordered by the government. Construction work can resume but, in the condition that no outside workers are permitted.
RWAs are also directed by the Delhi authority not to hinder anyone allowed by the government, to discharge their duties. The industrial establishment will be held in prescribed business hours by the authorities. Industrial corporations whose registered name starts with A to L may work from 7.30 am to 5.30 pm while other firms whose name commences with M to Z may operate from 8.30 am to 6.30 pm in Delhi, disclosed openly by Chief Secretary Vijay Dev.
The inter-state activity of DTC cluster buses is permitted but, not more than 20 passengers can board in, and before boarding, all the passengers will undergo ‘thermal screening’. The government of Delhi also plead other neighboring cities to reopen their boundaries, so that people who work in Delhi and live in other nearby areas can reach the workplace.
“There seems to be no remedy for the coronavirus even in the successive two-three months. How long will we prevail with the lockdown? We will function with the people of Delhi in enforcing strict social distancing norms. We all will assure the physical health of citizens and the financial health of the city. It is the duty of each and every one of us to be careful and ensure social distancing norms,” The CM said before. The state ’s eagerness to open several services is not communicated by all, yet.
Chief Minister’s announcement that private departments can open with full potency is a feel-good aspect for the metropolis that is seeing an explosion of Covid-19 cases daily. However, one cannot reject the recent statements from medical experts that the elevation season in Delhi is likely to arrive in June-July. So, at this point in time, I believe it is crucial to save lives and have a careful approach with just 30 percent organization’s staff being allowed to work from the workplace,” said Managing Director of IPE Global, a global development consulting corporation.