Delhi government is working on an application that will make people know about the availability of beds and ventilators in their nearest hospitals. As per the present Chief Minister of Delhi Arvind Kejriwal, the application will be launched on Monday.
Delhi Chief Minister during a press conference on Saturday 29 May 2020 asserted that people of Delhi were confused about where to go for treatment even after bolstering the healthcare system. The app which will be launched on Monday will help people by indicating the number of vacant beds and ventilation in the hospital and isolation centers.
Chief Minister Kejriwal said that people are not aware of the availability of beds and ventilation in hospitals. The app is being developed and will be launched on Monday. The app is being developed to provide convenience to the Delhi people and eradicate problems arising due to such issues.
The Delhi government has also made arrangements for individuals who are not able to install the app or who do not own smartphones. Such individuals can access the information about the availability of beds in hospitals through a website that will also be launched soon of can call on the helpline number 1031.
As per the Delhi Chief Minister out the 8,500 cases that were reported in the past two weeks, only 500 have been admitted in the hospital and the rest of the patients are in-home quarantine and are recovering at their homes itself.
Extensively the people of were reported positive for Coronavirus are either exhibiting no symptoms or showing mild symptoms like mild cold, cough, and fever. Such individuals can be treated and recovered at home by following a home quarantine. Kejriwal asserted that there no need to take the stress because infected people are recovering by staying home isolated and following the rules of home quarantine.
The application is expected to reduce the spread of disease as the people will not be required to go around and search for vacant beds in hospitals. This will save time and will bring medical efficiency in medical care which is expected to lower down the death rate. The Chief Minister further said that it will be disconcerting and problematic if people have to go out of their homes to search for the availability of beds and other facilities in hospitals. If the facilities such as beds, ventilators, oxygen cylinders or health infrastructure are not adequately available can lead to a rise in death rate.
The Chief Minister further included that the state government is taking over hotels and oxygen concentrators to convert them into Coronavirus treatment isolation centers where beds will be made available for the Coronavirus infected patients.
He added that on Thursday 14 May 2020, there were around 8500 cases bad now there has been a two-fold rise in Coronavirus infected cases with over 17000 cases in the national capital today. Furthermore, In Delhi, there were around 1600 Coronavirus patients in the hospitals, and looking at the present stats there are around 2100 patients in Delhi hospitals at present.