Jamia Milia Islamia is a central university, located in Jamia Nagar of New Delhi. Jamia is well recognised as a prominent institute for Muslim minorities, with maximum number of Muslim students. This institute of education is alleged to be an Islamic Institute largely, on the ground of its name and the comprehensive Muslim population.
Nevertheless, the University conceitedly stands high for the exceptional academic accomplishments and often sets several examples of impartiality among the students. The institute is often baptised, Muslim-dominated University based on the reservation of seats and majority. The University reserves 50% of seats for candidates of the Muslim community, (precisely for Muslim General there is 30% of reservation, followed by 10% for Muslim OBC/SC/ST and 10% for Muslim Women), the rest 50% is divided among the categories of differently abled candidates, Kashmir migrants and others.
According to the authentic views of non-Muslim students of Jamia Milia Islamia, on different podiums, globally. Jamia is an excellent institute in terms of faculty, environment, student inter-relations and servers best of its purpose. Withstanding the fact of actuality, being a minority institution, students in Jamia from any community are treated equally and there is no backdrop of discrimination on any grounds.
It is held, that the university highly believes in peace and equality and follows the ‘Ganga-YamuniTehzeeb’ unstintingly. The spirit of ethos and tradition could be felt, way by the language, dressing style and the aura, all around the campus. The cultural fests of Jamia ‘MiSAAS’ and ‘Talimi mela’ sets an absolute example of cultural integrity and earthly bonds. Jamia is a secular institute and do not disrespects any religious sentiments, every festival is celebrated with the similar enthusiasm and veneration. Also, the students of JMI, never forgets to raise a toast for their canteen services. The institute has 16 canteens, to offer variety of food both in vegetarian and non-vegetarian at amazingly cheap prices for all, across the university.
Undoubtedly, the population of Muslim students is higher than the students of other communities, but the opportunities honoured are equivalent for every scholar of the institution. However, there may be some source of active communism revolves around the campus, due to socio-political activities inside and outside the country, but it never affects the relationship between the students on these roots.
The environment is way more diverse, relatively than the other institutes of the country. There is an impression of academia and pragmatic understanding among the students and the other members of the university. The campus is free from any religious discernment and faculty is unbiased and harmonising. Also, there is no sort of favoritisms towards any student based on their religion. The University is strict with their rules, and do not entertain any form of riots regarding the issues like religion discrimination and ostracisation.
Although, for every Jamiaites, Muslim or Non-Muslim, it is not less than the matter of pride for being a part of such a prodigious University. The love and respect for the institution and the brotherhood amongst the students is sufficient to kill all the misconception about the University. The university is a residence of inclusive growth and a path of success, if you will ever get into Jamia consider yourself lucky folk.
What hypothesis is this? I would never trust if someone says a Hindu will be treated equally in an Islamic university. So many islamic countries in the world, and none is democratic or gives equal rights to any other community. They cannot discriminate openly, just because it is India!
What hypothesis is this? I would never trust if someone says a Hindu will be treated equally in an Islamic university. So many islamic countries in the world, and none is democratic or gives equal rights to any other community. They cannot discriminate openly, just because it is India!