On the eve of 14th August, on the birth anniversary of former vice-chancellor of Jamia Milia Islamia, Prof. Mushirul Hasan, the JMI University in his memory integrated Mushirul Hasan Endowment (MHE). The MHE is established in the memory of Professor Hasan for the rivalry of excellence in academics.
Jamia Milia Islamia in its statement said that it was the wish of Professor Zoya, wife of Prof. Hassan, who wanted to establish the endowment for which she even proposed to contribute Rs 1.5 crores to the JMI.
Professor Mushirul Hasan was a history teacher and he even served as pro-vice-chancellor and ultimately as the vice-chancellor. He served as an educationalist at Jamia Milia and he stood as an institutional builder who devoted towards the growth of JMI.
The endowment money will be utilized towards providing fellowship and scholarship for the postgraduate students of humanities up to Ph.D. projects. Furthermore, the amount of Rs 50,000 and Rs 10,000 per month will also be given respectively.
Eligibility criteria for JMI fellowship program
- The Mushirul Hasan Endowment fellowship program is a nine months-long program which will consist of two semesters.
- Aspirants should not be of the age of 45 years and above.
- Candidates must possess some knowledge about Social Sciences and Humanities.
- Applicants who have completed their Ph.D. from any Indian University can apply for the fellowship program at JMI.
The scholarship has been introduced for two years and is to be rewarded to students of JMI faculty of social sciences and faculty of humanities each year.
Professor Zoya Hasan has proposed the Annual Mushirul Hasan Memorial Seminar on any composition related to modern history, politics, and society of India. Jamia Milia Islamia in a statement disclosed that JMI’s authorized center of Dalit and Minority studies might be assigned with the duty of conducting the Annual Mushirul Hasan Memorial Seminar.
A nine-member committee has been constituted which is directed by Vice-Chancellor of JMI, Professor Najma Akhtar. Professor Emeritus, Prof. Zoya Hasan, Prof. Suranjana Das, Prof. Prabhat Patnaik, Faculty of Humanities & Languages, Registrar of JMI will also work in the panel.
The previous year, as an honor of respect for late Professor Hasan’s devotion to JMI, Professor Zoya Hasan gifted a batch of Professor Hasan’s books to the JMI’s central library. Along with the books, she even endowed his Padma Shri Award to Jamia Milia Islamia.