Recently, many doctors agreed to the fact that double masking is a procedure that provides more protection against the transmission of covid-19. Masks have been our ultimate saviors and the best preventive measure against covid-19. However, with the prevalent looming risk of the double and triple mutant coronavirus, layering up masks seems like a wise choice.
Dr. Anthony Fauci, the chief medical adviser on covid mentioned in his recent appearances that double masking makes more sense right now. Hence, experts gave a nod to the fact that double masking can reduce risks.
Is double masking an effective idea?
The Centre for Disease Control (CDC) of USA recommends double masking as a way to reduce the covid-19 spread and improve mask fit. Hence, scientists say that layering helps in lowering infectivity and transmission by effectively curbing the pathogen from collecting. Also, as per theories, double masking cuts down the infection and severity rate by as much as 85-95 percent.
In medical terms, layering creates a tougher barrier and stops germs effectively. It also assists in giving a tighter and more snug fit to keep the mouth and nose covered properly. As per The DC report, wearing a cloth mask over a medical mask can provide “substantially improved source control”.
How to double mask properly and maximize fit?
Knotting the ear loops of medical masks has been termed highly effective. Also, a person needs to tuck the mask and flatten any extra material. The CDC cleared this in a report released on 10th February 2021. It said that an unknotted mask blocks only 40.2 percent of particles and a cloth mask around 44.3 percent. However, double masking reduced particles upto 92.5 percent.
Hence, a combination of surgical and cloth masks is proved to be the most effective one. It prevents leakage of air or collection of particles. However, both masks should be of good quality.