Researchers from all over India can now get access to IIT Delhi’s Central Research Facility. Hence, both the research facilities, i.e. the one on the main campus in New Delhi and the one at the Sonipat campus are available. Thus, this decision was taken by the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi on Tuesday, 28th September 2021.
How will this IIT Delhi’s Central Research Facility help researchers?
With this central research facility, any researcher all across India can book an instrument from CRF for research work. Professor Pankaj Srivastava, the head of CRF said that several modern types of equipment are transferred to Sonipath as new equipments are upcoming. They include the Physical Property Measurement System, Electron Paramagnetic resonance, Universal Testing Machine, and more. Hence, these advanced equipments can very well assist researchers all across India.
Words of the director on IIT Delhi’s Central Research Facility:
Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi has spent approximately Rs. 500 crores to build several high-end facilities at CRF. V Ramgopal, the director of IIT Delhi elaborated about the fundings of CRF. He said that most of their funding included the IoE grant, special MoE grant, IIT Delhi grant through Industrial research and development, HEFA loan, DST’s SATHI project, and more. Hence, Mr. Ramgopal specially mentioned it while announcing the platform.
IIT Delhi is proud of its 50 different facilities owned by CRF. Also, they claim that the number will double in the coming 2 years. Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi’s Central Research Facility was launched in 2011 with an aim to boost the research ecosystem. Also, the CRF building at Sonipat was constructed in 2017. Thus, the facilities are now aiding scientists in research.